  • 期刊


The Masculine Universal and the Feminine Other: Gender Discourse in the Ladies' Journal




婦女雜誌 女性缺點 新女性 教育 婚姻


Gender is a social and relational construct. We can properly understand how a culture constructs its concepts about men and women only when we place them in the context of the totality of gender relations peculiar to its time and place. Using the Ladies 'Journal (Funü zazhi) as a case study, I argue that Luce Irigaray's critique of the Western phallogocentrism that posits the masculine as the universal against which the feminine is ”Other” can be applied just as compellingly in the Chinese context. The gender philosophy manifested in the Ladies' Journal was based on a hierarchical structure in which the inferior-difference of woman served to accentuate the masculine as the universal norm. Thus, even though the masculine remained in the background in the Ladies' Journal, it was the norm against which woman was analyzed, compared, and judged to be inferior to man. I contend that the notion of woman in the Ladies' Journal can be properly understood only if it is analyzed against this masculine norm. I illustrate this gender philosophy by analyzing the following five major topics consistently expounded during the seventeen-year life span of that magazine: the differences between men and women; the so-called| defects of the women; the New Woman as a trope for vanity, conspicuous consumption, and unchaste behavior; the imperative of marriage for men and women; and the ideal marital life for men and women.


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