  • 期刊


The Anfu National Assembly Election: On Corruption as One Big Stumbling-block to Democracy


國會選舉是民主政治重要的一環。中國從滿清末年至民國年間先後有四次選舉:第一次在1910年,清廷設資政院,民選議員由各省諮議局產生,中國人初嚐民主政治的滋味;第二次在1913年,辛亥革命帶給了中國人正式的國會選舉;第三次在1918年,是所謂的新國會,也是人所熟知的安福國會;第四次是1947年國民黨還政於民所推動的國會選舉。 著者曾經將第一、二兩次選舉分別撰文介紹,本文是第三次選舉的初步探討,對新國會的組織法、選舉過程、選舉結果、黨派關係等變數均有所分析和討論。在閱讀資料過程中,發現賄賂選舉極其嚴重,因此全文又多了一個投注的重點,特別深入討論腐化與傳統文化的關係,並將之與西方主要先進國家作一比較。此外本文又引精英概念(elitism)爲討論輔助,發現當選議員的特徵大多是傳統與現代性的結合。


Any national assembly election is bound to be one of the important indicators of a democratic system. The Chinese people have tried to build up their own democratic political system since the late Qing Dynasty and during the Republican years and four national assembly elections were held with this political aim in mind. The first one was called in 1910 Zizheng Yuan, in which just fifty percent of the representatives came from the provincial assemblies, which were in turn established through a nation-wide election; the second one took place in 1913, just two years after the Revolution of 1911, in which a national assembly was formally established by an election; the third one followed in 1918, it was called the New Assembly, or sarcastically, the Anfu Assembly; and the fourth one appeared in 1947, and it was the national assembly under the Nationalists. As this writer has already made separate studies of the first and second assemblies, this paper is trying only to make a brief survey of the third election, the New Assembly. Attention is concentrated on the organization, the process of voting and the result of ballot casting. The interactions between parties and factions have also received, to a certain extent, some observations and analysis. This writer has found that bribery was one of the most serious single defects in the course of election. This seems to be a vice also plaguing many other countries on the way of their political struggle for democracy. As to the question ”is corruption related to a political culture?”, a comparative discussion has been attempted briefly here. In addition to those variables referred to above, elitism is employed to grapple with the intellectual background of the representatives which was both traditional and modern in the period of China's transition.


Boissevain, Jeremy(1978).Political Corruption.
Bryce, James(1996).The American Commonwealth.
Campell, Angus(1967).The American Voter: An Abridgement.
Hermet, Guy(1978).Elections without Chioce.
Hsiao, K. C.(1960).Rural China: Imperial Control in the Nineteenth Century.
