  • 期刊


The Demands of Leisure and Green Spaces for Rural and Urban Residents


過去對城鄉進行休閒綠地配置規劃時,對於鄉村之休閒綠地常有認知上偏見;規劃者、設計師、政府官員,往往認為鄉村是一生產性之綠地空間,因此並不會特別設置休閒綠地空間供鄉村居民使用。因此本研究乃嘗試藉由行政院內政部主計處資料,藉由統計分析去釐清上述認知上之偏見。並進一利用郵寄問卷進行實證研究,以居民之城鄉居住地屬性,評估其對休閒綠地的需求;進一步探索其間之需求差異,以釐清通往對鄉村綠地存在的刻板印象。本研究將休閒綠地之功能性定義為:包含生態體驗、休閒遊憩、社區共同使用等三種空間。本研究所進行之研究內容為:1. 分析國內「臺灣地區國民休閒生活調查(主計處,1994)」及「台灣地區人力資源補充資料住宅狀況調查(主計處,1993)」等相關資料,進行都市化程度與休閒場所之距離、社區公園之需求、活動中心之需求進行比較與討論。2. 探討城鄉居民對生態體驗、休閒遊憩、社區共同使用等三大空間需求之差異。進行二次抽樣調查,其一是抽取參與省政府主計處之台灣省家庭收支狀況調查中之514位居民,進行問卷調查;其二則是對全省2000位居民,進行問卷之抽樣調查。依據城鄉居住地屬性之不同,進一步評估其對綠地需求性的差異。本研究的結果顯示不論是行政院內政部主計處的資料分析或是實證研究後所獲得的結果,均證實城鄉居民皆對綠地有需求,表示城鄉居民對休閒綠地空間之需求並無差異。在此突顯綠地對於城鄉居民皆有其重要性,此研究結果希冀能扭轉施政者對於都市與鄉村休閒綠地規劃策略之偏差。


Usually, when planning a rural village, planners, designers, and managers were having a set expression of rural is full of green vegetation. This concept makes the planners to overlook the needs of leisure and green environment in the rural areas. In this study the leisure green areas were defined as a space which can provides the ecology, leisure, and community uses. By statistically analysis residents' cognition to verify the possible misunderstandings were the purpose of this study. The content of this study includes:1. The Report on the Leisure Life Survey in Taiwan, Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics of Executive Yuan, Republic of China in 1994 and the data of The Report on the Housing Survey in Taiwan, Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics of Executive Yuan, Republic of China in 1993 were adopted. To test the relationships between different urbanized residents and the distance of the residents to the leisure and green areas. Second, to test the relationships between different urbanized residents and residents' need toward the community park. Third, to test the relationships between different urbanized residents and residents' need toward the community center.2. Five hundred and fourteen residents were sampled from the pool of the Family Income Survey by Taiwan County for mailing questionnaires. The information on the demand of ecology experiences, the leisure activities, and the communities' use collected.3. Two thousand telephone numbers were selected from the telephone pool, by asking residents' address on phone follow the mailing questionnaires 251 cases were collected. Again, the information on the demand of ecology experiences, the leisure activities, and the communities' use collected. All the data from various sources proves the hypotheses of no differences between urban and rural residents in their leisure and green environmental needs.


Resident Ecology Leisure Community Green


