  • 期刊


A Rare Case of Huge Pleomorphic Adenoma-Case Report


根據研究,多形性腺瘤爲最常見的良性腫瘤,主要好發於大唾液腺,多呈現爲多葉型腫瘤,以40~50歲較常見,有女性較多之傾向。文獻報告指出,原發位置在小唾液腺者約佔10%,其中又以腭部、唇部居多,頰部之多形性腺瘤相當罕見。這類病人在發病時多無明顯症狀,主要症狀爲臉部不對稱,此類腫瘤是呈現出無痛感及緩慢生長,因而病人容易忽略病情。組織學上由於多樣的組織分化,又通稱爲混合瘤。回顧文獻,目前主要的治療方式仍爲手術切除腫瘤及其包膜爲主。 本篇病例報告提出一巨大罕見的案例,發生於54歲的台灣男性。根據病人自述此腫瘤持續約10年之久,因爲疼痛及異物感加重至本科求診,在電腦斷層下測量約7公分×6.1公分×6.5公分之一巨大腫瘤,位於少見的左頰間隙、左側顳下間隙及左側下教翼狀間隙。由於此病例之多形性腺瘤生長位置罕見,且延伸至顳下間隙區域,我們成功將此巨大腫瘤,經由口內方式做一摘除,術後追蹤至今並無復發,故提出報告。


Pleomorphic adenoma is the most common benign neoplasm among all salivary gland tumors. It's presentation in the fourth decade of life is common, and slight female predominence. The palate is the most commonly involved site, they usually presented as a painless, slow-growing mass that is firm and lobulated on palpation. This case report presented a rare case of huge pleomorphic adenoma of 54 year old Taiwanese male patient. According to this patient's statement, the mass was persisted for 10 years, For the painless lesion and the patient incompliance, he ignored it and denied any treatment. Computed tomography scan showed the mass was measured in 7 cm × 6.1 cm × 6.5 cm, it was located at buccal space, ptergomandibular space, and extended to infratemporal space. We had the change of digital image for 7 years period, it was precious data that we could understand the progressive speed for the benign mass. The tumor was huge and rare, also extended to the infratemporal space. We successfully excise the tumor via intra-oral approach.
