



木村氏症 腮腺腫瘤


A 16-year-old patient complained of an enlarging, painless mass in left neck near the ear lobe for six months. He has a history of nephrotic syndrome without current medication, and without food or drug allergy. The mass located at infra-auricular region with soft, elastic consistency about 2 cm in diameter combined with surrounding palpable lymph nodes MR image revealed left parotid tumor with clean demarcation and obviously reactive lymph nodes, consistent with clinical findings. In addition, fine needle aspiration cytology was made from the parotid tumor with pathology report of lymphadenitis. The patient underwent superficial parotidectomy under the tentative diagnosis of left parotid tumor, and showed good wound healing without abnormal facial nerve dysfunction. The pathologically confirmed diagnosis is Kimura's disease. The lesion was not recurrent under the regular follow-up about one and half year. The disease was clinically rare, so we proposed the case for reference regarding the differential diagnosis, treatment modality and follow-up.


Kimura's disease parotid tumor
