  • 期刊


Treatment of Bilateral Temporomandibular Joint Bony Ankylosis by Gap Arthroplasty Method-A Case Report and Review of Literatures


本文報告一例33歲男性患者,有僵直性脊椎炎的病史,在數年前作過兩側關節盤置換術,後因置換物引發關節腔發炎、疼痛,又缺乏開口訓練,造成兩側關節腔骨性黏連,經耳前切開法將置換物取出,並作間隙關節成形術,術後開口訓練,經4年的追踪開口度保持36 mm以上,咬合功能恢復正常,病患對術後結果相當滿意。


Temporomandibular joint bony ankylosis is a debilitating condition that can cause in trismus result in poor quality of life. It can be caused by injury, infection, and systemic diseases. Current therapy and management include gap arthroplasty, interpostitionalarthroplasty, and reconstruction.We describe a case whereby we used gap arthroplasty subankylotic osteotomy method in treating bilateral bony ankylosis of TMJ. No graft was placed between the created gap space. Elastic intermaxillary fixation was placed of 4 months postoperatively to correct the occlusal relationship. At under 4-year follow up, no recurrent ankylosis was observed, the inter-incisal distance maintained at 36mm with normal occlusion Patient was very satisfied with the post-operative result.


gap arthroplasty arch bars glenoid fossa
