  • 期刊


The Philosophy Reflection of Life-death Structure is the Base of General Education


我們嘗試地提出面對生死問題的通識思考可能即是為: 1.死後真的有各宗教所說天堂或各層次的天界以及地獄或各層次的地界嗎? 2.若死後真有另一個時空性的存在於天界或地界,那麼是否可以說是另一種的「生」或另一種形式的存在呢? 3.假若有另一種形式的「生」,那麼是否在另一個時空向度中亦存在著其時空性的「死」嗎? 4.是否生死構造是一個不停止的循環,就如同永劫輪迴或不停止地轉世說一般呢? 5.有沒有「永生」或「永死」的狀態? 6.如果有永生或永死則其在存有者自身中的狀態是什麼?其與時空之間的關係何在? 7.是否生死構造的輪轉就只有兩種時空性?


The General thoughts we try to pick up facing Life-Death Problems possibly are: 1. Do Heaven or any kind of heaven-level and Hell or any kind of hell-level really exist after we die? 2. If some other time-space really existed in heaven- or hell-level after we die, can we say that another ”Da-sein” or another kind of existence exists? 3. If there is another form of ”Da-sein” existed, does it have another Time-Space Dimentional ”Death”? 4. Is Life-Death structure a non-stop cycle just as Samsara or never-ended reincarnation? 5. Is there a status called ”Eternal-Life” or ”Eternal-Death”? 6. If ”Eternal-Life” or ”Eternal-Death” did really exist, what is the status in the itself ? And what is the relationship between Time-space and them? 7. Does the of Life-Death structure have only two status?
