  • 期刊


Eyewitness-How to Apply the Use of Visual Media in the Development of the Curriculum of the "Mainland China Affairs" Class


近些年來,各種電腦視訊媒體(Medium)工具的突飛猛進,除了大家在生活上依賴甚深外,也會衝擊到學校的教學方法。筆者在銘傳大學開設通識「大陸事務專題」課程,在銘傳大學全面的E 化教室,媒體的使用相當便利,課程的內容當然就需順應如此的趨勢。教學媒體的種類繁多,筆者將此課程的議題定位為「現在進行式」,因此採集最具「即時性」的電視「新聞報導」,能讓學生如「目擊現場」般的新聞畫面,以及進一步的相關「新聞分析」,或「學者座談」等節目,加以剪輯運用,當然最具有「說服力」。此課程的開設,是基於1987年以來,臺商前往大陸投資已蔚成一股無法加以阻擋的熱潮。台灣人民對於這個「遠親」「近鄰」的認識,除了身處大陸的台商,以及親赴大陸旅遊的人之外,大部分都是依賴媒體的報導。台灣的民間媒體在兩岸關係中扮演一定的角色,對兩岸關係的發展與互相交流方面,起了一定程度的推動作用。由於課程的需要,在收集台灣電視媒體關於大陸的資訊時,發現不同性質的節目傳遞出差異頗大的「大陸印象」:例如旅遊節目中通常是以美麗山河及美食為主軸;新聞節目中則三不五十播出了關於黑心貨、台商被殺或偷渡客、賣淫的大陸妹等畫面;談話性節目邀請專家學者提醒著兩岸逐步緊張的備戰關係;財經節目則是呼籲不三通恐怕不利台灣的經濟發展等等。「所有的歷史都是『當代史』」。能在歷史的關鍵時刻,當「剎那」即成「永恆」的瞬間,帶著學生一起去面對、去思考,進而去承擔,此即是我對於此課程的最深的期許。


大陸事務 電視媒體


Recently, there has been a rapid development of various visual electronic media, impacting not only everyone's daily life, but also teaching methodology at schools. The instructor teaches at Ming-Chuan University, where she offers a course on ”Mainland China Affairs”. At Ming-Chuan University, electronic classrooms are available, making it convenient to integrate media into the teaching process. Using the variety of media available, the instructor has setup the curriculum of the ”Mainland China Affairs” course to deal with current issues regarding affairs dealing with Mainland China. If elements of media could be integrated and applied to the curriculum, such as getting the most current information from news reports, seeing visual documentation of the news, and learning from television programs such as news analysis programs and scholarly panel discussions, then students could be more involved with current events and the course could be more effective. Since 1987, Taiwanese business people have been investing in Mainland Chinese business, this practice has since then become extremely popular. Besides from accounts of Taiwanese business people who live in Mainland China, or of those who have visited Mainland China, what most Taiwanese learn about Mainland China comes from the media. Private Taiwanese media companies play a major role in portraying Taiwan-Mainland China relations, influencing the development and interactions of these relations. Due to the needs of the curriculum, the instructor has had to collect information about Mainland China through television programs on Taiwanese television, through which she has observed that different television programs portray different impressions of Mainland China: for example, travel programs tend to emphasize Mainland China's beautiful scenery and delicious food; news programs tend to report negative news from Mainland China, such as smuggling, Taiwanese business people being murdered, illegal immigration, and prostitution; talk show programs tend to emphasize tensions in Taiwan-Mainland China relations that might lead to war; economic programs tend to emphasize that the lack of communication between Taiwan and Mainland China will hurt Taiwanese economic development. The instructor believes that ”all history is modern history.” The instructor hopes to help students realize that they are living in a critical moment in history so that they can face, think over, and take over history.


Mainland China Affairs visual media


L. Grosserberg著、E. Wartella著、D. C. Whitney著、楊意菁譯、陳芸芸譯(1999)。媒體原理與塑造。台北市:韋伯文化。
