  • 期刊


To Research the Effects of WTO Agreement in the Contract Party


飛利浦光碟授權案,係2002年7月30日國碩公司依專利法第76條第1項,以「曾以合理之商業條件在相當期間內仍不能協議授權」為由,申請特許實施(強制授權),經濟部智慧財產局准許國碩申請,飛利浦一方面在臺灣依行政救濟,一方面向歐盟執委會檢舉智財局之授權處分構成貿易障礙,經歐盟執委會受理並提出報告,明白表示智慧財產局違反TRIPs第28條、第31條(b)項、第31條(c)項與(f)項。「問題提出」本案例引起注意的是為何歐盟會認為TRIPs的相關規定可以有效地及於我國,加入WTO何以會使得相關國際公約經由外國人的直接主張而及於我國呢?換言之,國際公約優先國內法之效力?WTO中有關智慧財產之協定(Agreement on trade-related aspects of IntellectualProperty Rights)的法律性質,其解釋適用上應如何依循一定的基準呢?何以歐盟執委會強力主張應對臺灣發動世貿組織相關程序?其中的相關程序究為何指?與一般國際紛爭的解決有何不同?本文試圖在第二部分簡介條約在國際法法源與WTO協定。第三部分則再深入探討WTO的範圍與性質,特別是TRIPs。第四部分則論述國際法在國內法之效力。第五部分則論述WTO組織協定與TRIPs之效力。第六部分則結論。


Philips CD-R Patent compulsory license, Gigastorage Co. by the Patent Law Article 76Section ”…has made efforts to obtain authorization from the right holder on reasonable commercial terms and conditions and that such efforts have not been successful within a reasonable period of time…” applied the compulsory license. The Economic Department Intellectual Property Office (abb. TIPO) permitted the application of Gigastorage Co. Philips Co. in Taiwan sued to Administrative High Court on the one hand, meanwhile, claimed to European Commission (abb. EC) asserted TIPO decision constituted the barrier of trade. EC accepted and made an investigation report. It expressed TIPO against TRIPs article 28, 31(1), 31(c) &(f).Why EC can has the effects in Taiwan? Why Taiwan a member of WTO should be bound by a foreign people asserting the effects of WTO? In other words, International Law is superior to the law of Intra-State? The nature of the WTO-TRIPs agreement concern and how to follow the criteria, when apply the TRIPs? Why EC claimed that if TIPO did not correct the defects of violating TRIPs would begin the procedure of WTO? What is the procedure of WTO &the difference the procedure of WTO and others?The second part will briefly introduce the position of Treaty in the Sources International Law. The third part introduce the scope and nature of WTO deeply, specially concerning TRIPs.The forth part discuss the effects of International Law to Intra-state Law.The fifth part separately discuss the effects of WTO organization agreement and TRIPs. The sixth part is conclusion.
