  • 期刊


An Analysis of First Sale Doctrine in Trademarks Law- Focused on the U.S. Law &Cases


我國商標法雖於2011年進行最新一次的修正,然而仍無法對應當今瞬息萬變的科技環境,從美國藍姆法(The Lanham Act)加入第一次銷售原則條文後,形成在國際貿易市場上常見的灰色市場(graymarket)或平行輸入(parallel import)商品,商標法是否是排除「灰色市場」商品存在的利器,如在美國境外製造上面有真品標示的商品,卻進入美國境內銷售,引發售價不同造成可能打擊美國境內市場的情況,便留待美國法院針對個案逐一解釋。本文首先解說權利耗盡原則的法理,以美國法為主。其次,從美國法「權利耗盡原則」理論背景介紹相關判決,探討「權利耗盡原則」的立法沿革與法理爭議,最後是本文對「權利耗盡原則」的建議與結論。


The new Trademark Law amendments made in 2011 marked the progress of a century; yet are still unable to keep up with the fast pace of technological progression. The Lanham Act, however, does not specify whether a foreign trademark legitimately applied to genuine merchandise "copies or simulates" the identical trademark in use in the United States. As a result, the status of imported products bearing genuine trademarks was left to the courts. This paper will provide a more comprehensive theories to explain exhaustion doctrine in trademark law in the U.S. trademark law. Secondly, this paper argues that courts' treatment of acceptable rules has been plagued b y inconsistencies and that courts need to more clearly elucidate ex ante rules of what will constitute proper stimuli to demonstrate the US Lanham Act violations. it discusses judicial and legislative record of the first sale doctrine. Finally, this article intends to suggest the other new statutes to comprise the first sale doctrine in Taiwan.
