  • 期刊


Clinic Research Review on Pulse Study in Traditional Chinese Medicine Analysis of the Pulse Harmonic Frequency Spectrum






Correlation between liver tests, which include SGPT, SGOT, D-Bil, T-Bil, Alp, r-GT, ZTT, CHO, Alb, Alb/Glo, ultra sound scanning, and pulse harmonic frequency spectrum were analyzed. We used the following 6 criteria of pulse harmonic frequency spectrum for diagnosis as liver abnormality to test the correlation: (1) C1≧3+ and C1+C4≧4+ or C1+C6≧4+ (in intensity); (2) C1≧3 (in intensity); (3) C6≧3 and C1+C6≧4 (in intensity); (4) C6≦-2 (in intensity) and C6≦-2 (in the phase)and (5) C1≧2+ and C3≦-2 (in intensity)or C3≦-2 (in the phase); (6) C3≦-2 (in intensity) and C3≦-2 (in the phase). We considered only 6 criteria for liver abnormality of 85 patients with possible liver diseases, the correlation was high with p<0.001, Kappa=0.64. We further approved the same 6 criteria for liver abnormality of 223 patients with possible liver diseases, the correlation was more and more high with p<0.001, Kappa=0.68. Other study show that 24 cirrhosis patients possessed all the same criteria that C3≦-2 (in intensity) and C3≦-2 (in the phase). Above all the studies we found that the special importance of the spleen in severe liver diseases such as cirrhosis. This finding suggests that the spleen being closely related to the liver in physiology and pathology especial on the terminal stage of liver diseases. These understandings were consistent with the teachings by Chung-Ching, Chang who stated in Chin-Kuei-Yao-Lueh that ”the superior physician knows that liver disease eventually transmits to the spleen meridian”. It was worth to research into in depth.


pulse spectrum


Lu WA,Cheng CH,Wang Lin YY(1996).Pulse spectrum analysis of hospital patients with possible liver problems.Am J Chin Med.24,315-322.
Lu WA,Wang Lin YY,Wang WK(1999).Pulse spectrum analysis of the cirrhosis patient.IEEE Eng in Med and Bio Magazine.18,73-75.
