  • 期刊


The Current Status and Future Outlook of Mental Health Social Workers in Taiwan


臺灣心理衛生社會工作隨著世界衛生組織(WHO)強調去機構化與照護系統社區轉向,愈加重視精神疾病社區復原、長期照護需求、自殺防治及災難重建等領域,強調激發案主潛能與長處為基礎的賦權觀念、社區融合為工作服務目標。近幾十年,精神疾病相關議題(如:藥物濫用、憂鬱、焦慮、厭食、自殺、性侵家暴、性別取向等)在社會劇增,大眾心理衛生急救知能(Mental Health First Aid)需要提升,心理衛生社工專業角色與醫病合盟關係日益重要,同時,為因應COVID-19疫情蔓延與遠距醫療的需求,心理衛生社工對於資訊與通訊科技(Information and Communication Technology, ICT)之運用應更具普遍性。


心理衛生 社工 社區 復原


In Taiwan, the focus of mental health social work has, with the World Health Organization's promotion of deinstitutionalization and transition toward community-based care, shifted to the community rehabilitation of people with mental diseases, the demand for long-term care, suicide prevention, and trauma recovery, and regarded the individual empowerment based on their potentials and strengths, and the community and social integration as the goal. In view of the growing discussion of topics involving mental conditions (e.g., drug abuse, depression, anxiety, anorexia, suicide, sexual abuse, domestic violence, and sexual orientation) in the past few decades, the public awareness on mental health first aid requires improvement. The expertise and role of mental health social workers are becoming increasingly critical, and so is the collaboration between physicians and patients. In response to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and the demand for telemedicine services, the general information and communication technologies proficiency of mental health social workers must be raised.


mental health social worker community rehabilitation
