  • 期刊


Making Nursing Care Easier via Technology and Technology More Friendly Through Nursing Care: Experience Sharing of Developing an Information System by Combining Healthcare Technology and Process Reengineering




Information technology has changed people's lives and plays a crucial role in health care, exhibiting pronounced effects on patient safety. Following the rapid development of smart healthcare, the Joint Commission of Taiwan hopes to engage in interdisciplinary cooperation, process integration, and talent training to enable healthcare institutions to meet the goals of developing medical technology, promoting patient safety, and establishing smart hospitals. Interdisciplinary cooperation allows technology to be customized to meet medical demands; process integration involves work processes being merged with information processes and quality control being practiced so that technology can meet clinical needs; and talent training entails cultivating personnel who can realize interdisciplinary cooperation, process integration, and team communication. Technology or systems are expected to make health care more valuable. By identifying and solving technology and system problems, a safe healthcare environment can be created.
