  • 期刊


Examining the Reliability and Validity of the Adaptation to Disability Scale-Revised for People with Spinal Cord Injury


有感於國內障礙適應量表之不足,本研究探究國外學者近年來所發展之『障礙適應量表一修訂版』是否可適用於台灣。『障礙適應量表-修訂版』是基於Beatrice Wright博士之價值改變理論,用以評估障礙者對其自身障礙接受程度之量表。本研究主要探討此一量表中文版之因素結構、題項歸屬之因素向度及內部一致性信度。本研究取樣自國內十縣市的脊髓損傷者協會,共216位脊髓損傷者回覆問卷,問卷回收率為43.2%,並以探索性因素分析、迴歸等統計方式進行資料分析。研究結果顯示『障礙適應量表一修訂版』中文版共呈現二個共同因素,分別為因素「擴展個體的價值範間(C_ADSR_E)」與「身體功能與障礙效應(C_ADSR_SC)」,二個分量表內部一致性係數值分別為.859和.766,顯示分量表內部一致性佳。且在刪去相關係數偏低的題項後,此障礙適應量表所存在之題項內涵與價值改變歷程之精神是相符的。此外,在脊髓損傷者生活品質的部分,此『障礙適應量表一修訂版』中文刪題後版本與『台灣簡明版世界衛生組織生活品質問卷』兩測驗分數之間呈現正相關,相關係數r值為.658,預測係數(R^2)為.433,表示脊髓損傷者的障礙適應程度對其生活品質具有中度的預測力。


Due to the shortage of assessment tool in Taiwan, this study explored a disability acceptance scale recently developed by foreign scholars to see its usefulness in Taiwan. The Adaptation to Disability Scale-Revised (ADS-R) is based on the four value changes identified by Dr. Beatrice Wright to measure disability acceptance. The study translated the scale into Mandarin and explored the factor structures, items of factors and internal consistency reliability of the Chinese version scale. A total of 216 participants with spinal cord injury were collected from ten county level associations of spinal cord injury around Taiwan, with a respondent rate of 43.2%. Exploratory factor analysis, regression and other statistical analysis methods were conducted. The results showed that the Chinese version of ADS-R could extract two common factors, Enlarging the Scope of Values (C_ADSR_E) and Physical Functioning and Disability Effects (C_ADSR_SC), with values of internal consistency reliability coefficients (Cronbach's α) of .859 and .766; which showed good internal consistency reliability. The revised scale fits Wright's model of value change. In addition, the revised scale had moderate power (R^2= .433) in predicting the quality of life of people with spinal cord injury.
