  • 期刊


A Study on Elementary Students' Preferences for Fish Image Revealed on Interfaces of Ocean E-books




The publication of E-books has become a current trend. Content, namely words and images have been integrated in digital media applications. Through interactive discussions, digital learning can achieve knowledge sharing among students. Based on the visual images of a reading interface on aquatic life and fish ecological distributions, questionnaires were used in the study and the results analyzed according to literature researches. The collective data on domestic/foreign in formation, disquisitions, and journals help to analyze static and dynamic images as well as to realize the design effects of complicated images. The study objects were designers in related fields, school teachers and parents in southern Taiwan. Its aim was to analyze and discuss the effects of static and dynamic images of aquatic life and fish ecological distribution; the design of complicated images; preferred designs of E-book interfaces, and other comments. The study results showed that students were inspired by using E-books, particularly in regard to teaching content, design of teaching materials, and the design of the computer interface; learning with E-books proved to be p leas an t, interesting, creative, and helpful. By using E-books, learning efficiency can be achieved. The attitude to science learning can also be raised. Besides, image design also caught elementary students' attention and attracted their learning interest. The audiovisual effects generated by digital leaning and the interactive design of E-book interfaces brought students pleasure and advanced their reading motivation; consequently, the goals of learning were largely achieved.




人魚公主 格林文化事業股份有限公司 http://www.hotfrog.com.tw/格林文化事業。(搜尋日期:2010年12月)
中央研究院數位典藏資源網 http://digiarch.sinica.edu.tw/list.jsp?option_id=2681&option_id2=2682 (搜尋日期:2010年10月) 。
公共電視教育資源服務網。http://web.pts.org.tw/php/html.pub/education/index.php (搜尋日期:2010年10月) 。
