  • 學位論文


A Study on the Message Conveyance of Fish Images as Auxiliary Teaching Material in Elementary Schools

指導教授 : 王藍亭


圖像是世界共通的語言,人類最原始的文字便是利用圖像來表達,而最初表達的意思,僅在於對看到的事物所描繪出的形體。而良好的圖像設計應該是簡單、明瞭、易記,並能充分表達其所標示之涵義。從本研究得知,圖像式插圖在使用上有一些時常運用的圖形,插圖的式樣化程度也與這些圖形的形態特徵具有密切的關係;而設計優良的圖像可提升畫面的美感,增強文字的理解力,同樣也是設計師關切的焦點。期望本研究能提供給設計者日後採用此風格設計之參考依據。能將圖像訊息準確、迅速的傳達給使用者,以期將來能夠幫助設計者應用於其他各類範疇的圖像設計之中,作為後續圖像設計研究者的參考依據。 本研究已達成之研究目地為:1.透過文獻蒐集,比較「魚類圖像」的圖形彼此之間在設計風格、元素上之異同;2.比較「魚類圖像」的圖形應用在色彩及造形表現形式之比較分析;3.探討「魚類圖像」應用於設計使用的現況與語意意象調查;4.在根據調查所得的數據,評估與歸納圖像設計的特性與給予人的感覺意象與喜好程度。 本研究根據文獻探討建立Huck(2004)圖像風格為論點依據,以台灣地區國民小學2010年到2011年康軒、南一、翰林三家出版商所用的紙本教科書或互動多媒體教學光碟類型、內容進行分類,收集相關的魚類圖形為研究樣本,再將116個「魚類圖像」圖形分為影像與插畫兩大類,進行圖像的表現手法、風格與使用者的圖形語意聯想,運用文獻分析法、KJ法、比較分析法、語意分析法來分析「魚類圖像」的應用。 研究結果分述如下:(1)在「魚類圖像」圖形風格上,以插畫類表現形式為最多。(2)在圖形色彩上,以黑色為最多運用的顏色,其次是灰色和紅色。(3)國小低、中、高年級學童選擇比例,低年級所選擇為色彩「多彩色」的卡通或幾何形所組成;中年級所選擇為插畫類形居多,在色彩的使用上以彩度低明度高的色彩進行組合;高年級所選擇的圖形類形較多元化,色彩的選用也趨向於自然的色彩。(4)由結果可以了解,學童對於魚類圖像的認知以「簡單的」、「趣味的」、「可愛的」為主要選擇,也是最被廣泛運用的圖像;由此可知魚類圖像所傳達的意像是「簡單」及「趣味」的訊息。


傳達 圖像 輔助教材


Images, one of the universal forms of communication across the world, are what many written languages were based upon; initially, humans created words according to the appearance of the objects they signified. Good image design is composed of images with simple patterns, thereby easy to understand and remember, as well as fully conveying the underlying meanings. According to the findings of this study, some images are common in illustrations. The stylization extent of illustrations is also closely related to the patterns and characteristics of such images. Well-designed images can enhance aesthetic value, make the matched words more understandable, facilitate the presentation of the visual aesthetics of multiple creative media and, more importantly, improve the message conveyance function. Creating a good image is a concern among designers. Accordingly, the objective of this study is to discover the elements required for clear, efficient message conveyance of images in the hope that image designers can better apply such elements in a variety of image designs and, in addition, that researchers can be inspired for future studies. The research objectives that had been achieved include: 1. comparing the style and element differences among fish images via a literature review; 2. comparing and analyzing color and pattern applications revealed in fish images; 3. investigating how fish images have been applied and the semantic annotations of the images; and 4. exploring and determining the relationship between image design characteristics and the feelings and preferences on the part of the viewers according to the data elicited from the investigation. After a literature review, the image style theory by Huck (2004) was adopted. The research samples comprising fish images were collected from the 2010 and 2011 textbooks or multimedia interactive teaching CDs published by Kang Hsuan, Nani, and Han Lin for elementary schools in Taiwan. A total of 116 fish images were collected and grouped into “digital images” and “illustrations.” Image expression techniques and styles as well as image semantic association on the part of viewers were analyzed through literature analysis method, KJ method, comparative analysis method and semantic analysis method, in order to elucidate the application of fish images. The research results were as follows: (1) illustrations outnumbered digital images among the fish images; (2) black was the predominant color in design, followed by gray and red; (3) low-graders mostly chose “multicolored” images featuring cartoon and geometric patterns, middle-graders mostly chose illustrations with low chroma and high luminance for color use, while the images chosen by high-graders were more diverse, with colors of nature being preferred; and (4) images which pupils preferred tended to be “simple,” “interesting” and “cute”, and such images were also most widely applied in the textbooks and teaching CDs. It could be concluded that the messages fish images conveyed were “simple” and “fun.”


(一) 中文書籍
1. 王無邪(1974)。平面設計原理。台北:雄獅圖書股份有限公司。
2. 王秀雄(1990)。美術與教育。台北:台北市立美術館。
