  • 期刊

Using Analytic Hierarchy Process in the Establishing of Evaluation Process for In-depth Reporting-As a Case of Digital Publishing Competence in Taiwan



隨著電腦與網路科技的興起,運用科技輔助深度報導以提升報導之深度和精確性已為必要。本研究旨在探討如何以層級分析(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)是項決策支援技術運用於深度報導之評估流程。層級分析技術係一種結構化之資料分析技術,能夠針對一項複雜之問題或因素,提供組織和分析決策的方法,尤其對於不易量化或難以比較之問題,更可藉由權重之比較或視覺化圖形之呈現,有利於問題之解釋和釐清。本研究旨在以層級分析技術運用於數位出版職能評估作為深度報導之個案,期以建構深度報導之評估流程,建構決策支援技術運用於深度報導之模式。經由本研究之實證,運用AHP 於深度報導中,能從複雜的問題中,找出評估的因素以及權重,作為報導之主軸和立論,以有效提升工作效率。本研究結果可為數位出版職能深度報導提供分析之基礎,更獲致層級分析技術運用於深度報導之評估流程,為電腦輔助新聞學(Computer-assisted Reporting)、資料驅動新聞學(Data-driven Journalism)建立了實證之範式。


With the advance of computer and internet technologies, using scientific research techniques to increase the depth and accuracy of major story reporting becomes important and essential. This case study showed how the AHP decision-support technique could be applied onto the evaluation process of in-depth special reporting. AHP provides a structured method of organizing and analyzing the decision process, taking various complex parameters into consideration. It is especially useful to solve problems which are difficult to be quantified or compared by data for specific information in order to visualize and interpret a story. The objective of this study was to explore the effectiveness of applying the decision-support technique to a given in-depth special report, specifically, an investigation of the digital publishing competences in Taiwan as the case study. The AHP model can then be used to compare digital publishing competence alternatives and delivers a composite score for each alternative that identifies the best possible choice. The application of AHP would result in a model for the journalists to adapt the decision support technique in their in-depth reporting. The established evaluation process could also enable the journalists to readily access the digital publishing competence parameters through AHP technique when engaging in special report analysis in digital publishing related fields in Taiwan.


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