  • 期刊


A Study of Graphic Arts Magazine Advertisements' Printing and Finishing Styles


《設計印象雜誌》是國內介紹印刷藝術表現最具代表的雜誌,雜誌以介紹印刷各類科技新知與材料為主,更特別的是將印刷與印後加工的技藝表現於內頁廣告之中;在高度競爭的平面媒體場域中,單獨圖文的表現已很難成為注視的焦點(Eye catching),唯有善用美術紙張、特殊印刷方式、特別色油墨、上光、貼膜等方法才能在設計領域中勝出。本研究藉由探討《設計印象雜誌》內頁廣告所使用印刷與印後加工風格種類,進而詳細介紹各種工法的應用情況與專業內容,目的在分析並介紹平面設計可以運用的印刷與印後加工方法。研究主要使用「文本分析法」,以分析統計近兩年《設計印象雜誌》內頁廣告經常使用的印刷與印後加工風格種類。結果指出磅數較高的美術紙或特殊紙是最常被應用的表現方法,藉由單純的紙質可以呈現細膩的觸感,是一種低調而華麗表現;再則全面的金屬質感貼膜、UV印刷、局部上光、磨砂或貼膜則為一類常見的印藝表現手法。研究成果可供平面設計相關業者參考,以進一步提升傳播或廣告內容被注視的效果。


The Graphic Arts magazine is the most dominant periodical regarding to the latest printing technologies and substrates. Meanwhile, it is the only magazine that combines both printing techniques and graphic design in its advertisements. In a highly competitive graphic advertising market, only with graphic and text are difficult to be eye catching objects. It is wise to apply special stock, special print methods, spot color ink, coating, laminating, etc. to acquire people's attention. This study aimed to analyze the printing and finishing methods used in Graphic Arts magazine's advertisements. Furthermore, the study fully introduced most popular printing and finishing methods adopted by those advertisements. Research methods used in the study were literature review and content analyses. The goal of this study was to analyze commonly applied printing and finishing techniques in the Graphic Arts. The results showed that the highly quality and greater caliper stock with neat texture was the most commonly used substrate in the Graphic Arts' advertisements to enhance their tactile impressions. Also, paper laminating with metal texture, UV printing, spot coating/vanishing, matt (sanding), spot laser laminating, etc. are commonly seen combinations in the Graphic Arts advertisements. Hopefully, the study could unveil and popular the techniques of printing and finishing to enhance communication and display of graphic design.


Graphic Arts finishing graphic design coating laminating


Kipphan, H.(2005).Handbook of Print Media.Springer Verlag.
Focillon, H.(2003)。造形的生命。台北:田園城市。
