  • 期刊


A Study on the Self-Assessment of the Competence of Digital Publishing Professional-oriented College Students


本研究旨在瞭解以發展數位出版專業為導向之圖文傳播相關系所學生對於編輯能力的自我評量,探討不同背景變項是否會影響大學生對於數位出版編輯能力的自我評量。研究方法,包括文件資料分析法、問卷調查法、專家會議等,並以獨立樣本 t 檢定、單因子多變量變異數分析、二因子多變量變異數分析等進行統計,以獲得不同性別、高中職背景、就讀層級之大學圖文傳播相關系所學生在不同層面的數位出版編輯能力自我評量上是否有顯著差異。本研究發現:(一)高中職背景、就讀層級均有顯著差異,但在性別方面無顯著差異。(二)高中職背景於行銷、管理層面能力有顯著差異,但在基本層面、內容層面無顯著差異;就讀層級方面,於基本、內容、行銷層面有顯著差異,但在管理層面並無顯著差異。(三)高中職背景、就讀層級之主要效果和交互作用於基本、內容、行銷、管理層面均達到顯著水準,並進行單純主要效果考驗,在控制高中職背景下,來自於高中的大三學生於基本、內容、行銷層面自評能力高於大一、大四及研究生,來自於高職的大一、大二學生於基本、內容、行銷、管理四個層面顯著高於大三、大四及研究生;在控制就讀層級下,大二學生於基本層面、內容層面高職背景顯著高於高中背景,大三學生於四個層面上高中背景均顯著高於高職,大四及研究生於基本層面上高中背景顯著高於高職。本研究所獲致結果,將可作為數位出版編輯教學改進之參考。


The aims of this study were to understand graphic communication related students for professional-oriented digital publishing on the self-assessment of editing competence and explore whether different background variables would affect the college students' self-assessment of the editing competence of digital publishing. The results were as follows: a). High school background and the level in college were significantly different, but no significant differences with gender. b). There were significant differences in the high school background on the competence of Marketing and Management main functions, but there was no significant difference in the Fundamentals and Creating and Editing of Contents main functions. There were significant differences in Fundamentals, Creating and Editing of Contents and Marketing main functions, but there was no significant difference in Management main function. c). There were significant differences in main effect and interaction of Fundamentals, Creating and Editing of Contents, Marketing and Management main functions between high school background and the grade level in college; the simple main effects were further tested. In the control of high school background variable, the junior were significant higher than the freshman, senior and graduate students from the senior high school in Fundamentals, Creating and Editing of Contents and Marketing main functions. The freshman and sophomore were significant higher than the junior, senior and graduate student from the vocational high school in Fundamentals, Creating and Editing of Contents and Marketing, Management main functions. In the control of students' grade level variable, the sophomore from vocational high school were significant higher than the students from high school in Fundamentals, Creating and Editing of Contents main functions. The junior from high school were significant higher than the students from vocational high school in Fundamentals, Creating and Editing of Contents main functions, Creating and Editing of Contents and Marketing main functions. The senior from high school were significant higher than the students from vocational high school in Fundamentals. The results of this study will be provided for the university as a reference for teaching improvement on the courses related digital publishing editing.


Yahoo 奇摩網路行銷(2017)。讓過時行銷人跳腳的7 個 2017 數位趨勢。2017.01.05。
