  • 期刊


Development of Digital Publishing Editing Competence Rating Scales for Graphic Communications Students in Higher Education in Taiwan and the Validity, Reliability Testing


本研究旨在編製圖文傳播系所學生「數位出版編輯能力量表」,並以文件資料分析法、專家會議、問卷調查法建置具有信效度的量表,作為學生能力評測之用。本研究共計發出150份問卷,有效問卷132份(N=132),經過量表的項目分析後,得知所有題項的平均數(mean)介於2.39~4.06之間;標準差介於0.144~0.251,所有變異係數皆大於0.3。題項與總分的相關檢定結果全部大於0.3;高低分組t檢定,每一個題項在高低分組都有顯著差異;內部一致性考驗,全部量表Cronbach α值為0.986;十四個分量表的Cronbach α值全部大於0.83,具有可信度。本研究預試問卷通過檢定,「數位出版編輯能力量表架構」成立,可以用來正式編製評量用的量表,共計108題,分別為:基本知識10題、基本技術10題、企劃發想6題、選輯素材7題、審查稿件8題、稿件加工8題、排版設計9題、校對樣稿6題、載體運用6題、發行營銷13題、閱聽市場7題、市場回饋6題、資料管理6題、專案管理6題。最終編製之「數位出版編輯能力量表」,將可作為高等教育圖文傳播藝術相關系所大學生「數位出版編輯能力」評量或檢定之用。


For a long time, the universities in Taiwan responded to the changes of the industrial structure adjustment, they have weak capacity, neither switch departments, content of teaching, or the industry expectations on technology cultivation for professionals. The purpose of this study were to develop digital publishing editing competence Rating Scales for Graphic Communications Students in Higher Education in Taiwan by applying both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The study mainly applied the grounded theory method in the first stage of the study. The draft scales were formed by literature reviews, followed by expert meeting, 11 subject matter experts (SMEs), to review important competence; finally further reviewed by 8 SMEs participants. In the second stage of the study, the reliability and validity of the questionnaires for the digital publishing editing competence Rating Scales for graphic communications students in higher education are achieved by factor analysis. This scale used fourteen editing competence dimensions, namely: "Fundamentals", "Creating and Editing of Contents", "Marketing" and "Management"; as well as the sub-functions namely, "Fundamental Knowledge", "Fundamental Technology", "Developing Digital Contents", "Commissioning and Acquisitions", "Copy Editing", "Substantive Editing", "Design Digital Contents", "Proofreading", "Devices", "Promotions", "Readers", "Feedbacks", "Data Management", and "Project Management". The 108 items of the scale proved to be content valid among 19 subject matter experts. Additionally, in a sample of 132 respondents of key acquired graphic communications students in higher education, the scale exhibited adequate levels of reliability, internal consistency reliability and splithalf reliability. Based on these mentioned analyses, the constructed digital publishing editing competence Rating Scales for graphic communications students in higher education fit with the modeling conducted in this study.


