  • 期刊


Research on Using KDD Technology to Support / Construct Knowledge Management DIKW Model


一、研究目的:研究目的:本研究之目的在於探討「印刷業知識管理DIKW」模式。二、研究方法:本研究透過文件資料分析、內容分析、運用KDD資料倉儲知識發現技術,進行印刷業知識管理之「資料」探勘、「資訊」轉換、「知識」整理、與決策「智慧」,實際則以大數據資料庫「財政部統計資料庫內之印刷業銷售資料」為個案,進入雲端平台「財政統計資料庫查詢」進行印刷業銷售額之「銷售額資料倉儲知識發現(Revenue Knowledge Discovery in Database)」實證,建構「KDD+DIKW知識管理模式」驗證此知識管理模式。三、研究發現:大數據資料庫中,銷售額是屬「資料」;透過資料探勘技術摘取「印刷業」的銷售額資料,經過整理、排序、運算合併,獲得印刷業每年每家平均銷售額,此為印刷業的專業「資訊」、將過去10年、或更長期間的印刷產業銷售額的實際波動、衰退與成長等「資訊」轉化為「印刷專業的知識」;印刷業的執行長們CEOs,秉持此專業知識,進一步審時度勢,推估未來的發展趨勢,因勢利導,下定決策,作為印刷公司的短期、中期、與長期的策略規劃的「智慧」。從認識財政部統計資料庫的存在、進而採取行動進行印刷業「資料」的發掘(資料探勘)、獲得印刷業的「專業資訊」、將印刷業「專業資訊」轉化(內化)為印刷公司CEO的「專業知識」,國內的印刷業的8,000多位CEO們再運用自身之既有「智慧」,將所獲得之印刷業專業知識,運用在公司經營管理、策略規劃、高瞻遠矚未來經營方針,成為印刷業中「更有智慧的」執行長。這個模式,即是為:「印刷業執行長經營管理的KDD支援知識管理DIKW模式」。四、研究創意/價值:透過財政部大數據資料庫驗證印刷業銷售額知識發現,提出「印刷業知識管理KDD+DIKW模式」供印刷產業CEOs應用。五、實際影響:「給魚吃,不如給釣竿」,印刷業執行長們運用此KDD技術建構DIKW模式可以獲得財政部統計資料庫中產業的「銷售額」實績、參與貢獻產值的「家數」之印刷業專業知識;亦可舉一反三運用在其他大數據資料庫,例如「同業利潤標準資料庫查詢」獲取同業利潤的專業知識。六、建議:唯獨可惜的是,財政部統計資料庫中有產業的銷售額實績、有參與貢獻產值的家數,卻沒有參與貢獻的「員工人數」,無法提供計算印刷業的「人效」;沒有營利申報貢獻者的經營「坪數」,無法計算印刷業的「坪效」。此為有缺陷的:「印刷業執行長經營管理的KDD支援知識管理DIKW模式」,為補足缺陷,需要建立財政部的統計資料庫內的每一家的工作從業人員的資料數字、每一家的營業坪數資料。因此呼籲,財政部統計資料庫,建立申報營業者的當期的從業人員數字資料、當期的營業坪數資料,以利印刷業建構更為完美的知識管理DIKW模式。


First, the purpose of the study is to explore the model of 〞the printing industry knowledge management DIKW〞. Second, design/methodology/approach: Through the document analysis, content analysis and apply the KDD data warehousing knowledge discovery technology to conduct data mining, information transformation, knowledge discovery and wisdom of decision making in knowledge management of printing industry. Via case study on the cloud platform for sales revenues of printing industry, the Revenue Knowledge Discovery (RKDD), which processed on a web based Big Data Database named 〞Financial Statistics Database Inquiry〞 of the Ministry of Finance Statistics Database, to verify this 〞the KDD+DIKW Knowledge Management Model.〞 Third, finding: the case study on Ministry of Finance's statistical database proved that the 〞KDD+Knowledge Management DIKW Model for CEO of Printing Industry〞 is good, and found the data mining of the printing industry, obtaining 〞professional information〞 of the printing industry and converting the 〞information〞 of the printing industry into a printing company CEO's 〞expertise〞 and CEOs use their own 〞wisdom〞 to apply the acquired expertise in their management of the company's operations, strategic planning, and future management strategies, become more 〞wise〞 chief executive. Fourth, originality/value: To verify the knowledge of sales revenues in the printing industry through the big data repository of the Ministry of Finance and the model of 〞Printing Industry Knowledge Management KDD+DIKW Model〞 to be offers for the printing industry. Fifth, practical implications: 〞It's better to give fishing rod.〞 If the executive directors of the printing industry use this KDD technology to build DIKW model, will be able to get the Ministry of Finance statistics printing industry sales performance, the number of participating in the contribution of the output value, the printing industry expertise; also available in other big data databases to get professional knowledge. Sixth, suggestions: Unfortunately, there are actual sales revenues of industry, and the number of participating in the contribution of output value in the Ministry of Finance statistical database, however neither collect the number of employees, cannot provide calculate the 〞performance per worker〞 of the printing industry; nor collect the figures of contributors' operating floor space, or production floor space, unable to calculate Printing industry 〞performance per unit area〞, or area efficiency (per m2). To make up for the defects, need to establish the data of the number of employees in the Ministry of Finance statistics database and also the number of operating floor data of each contributors.


中央社(2018/03/03 11:57)。川普恐掀全球貿易大戰 美國將自食惡果。取自www.cna.com.tw/news/aopl/201803030065-1.aspx
徐明珠(2007)。「課程資料倉儲知識發現」(curriculum knowledge discovery in datawarehouse, CKDD),https://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dnclcdr&s=id=%22095NTNU5037030%22.&searchmode=basic 或者http://www.airitilibrary.com/Publication/alDetailedMesh?docid=U0021-0712200716114487
