  • 期刊


The Overprinting and Discoloration Effects with Photochromic Ink




Printing, it has been an indispensable technology in our daily lives ever since its invention. It exists in every aspect of our lives, Perhaps it is just because of their ubiquity, people have taken their existence for granted hence people may easily be in ignorance of the beauty and value created by this traditional technology from ancient times. According to researches, in recent years, due to the swift development of information and communication technology, which has caused a structural change of human lives, the value of output in the printing industry is showing a negative growth in most of the developed countries. There are specialists offered suggestions stating that the print service providers in Taiwan could consider using an innovative and value-adding method to perform an industrial transformation to a higher end, with specific instructions as developing new products, offering new kind of services, using new materials, applying new manufacturing process and etc. In the era of abundant and readily available information, it is also a feasible method for the print service providers to acquire functional materials to make a small amount of specialized ink concoction to be used in value-adding printing. However with these fuctional materials, whether it is possible to reach the greatest efficiency with a lower cost? This research was originated and motivated from this thought, taking experimental research method to compare two sets of photochromic ink by coating them individually on experimental printed matters that preprinted with the three primary colors, and to observe its' difference between: 1. Ink density of Photochromic ink pre-coating and after-coating. 2. Discoloration effects on different experimental factor levels (material ratio 30% and 10%) after light-sensing. By comparing above results then further discuss: if a Photochromic ink with lower density could possibly reach the same or similar overprinting and discoloration effects? After experiment and analysis, the results can be concluded that "1. The Solid Ink Densities of the printed matter will be reduced after being coated with Photochromic ink" and "2. The discoloration Effects that processed by factor level 2 (30%) are greater than by factor level 1 (10%)". Nevertheless, the obvious discoloration effects are not equivalent to the better visual effects. When it comes to the occasion of overprinting, the appropriate colorimetric of functional materials and mixture ratio shall be determined according to the actual ways of application and the background color of the substrate that to be coated on.


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中央社。(2016)。 印刷產值連 5 年衰退貿協助攻拚轉型。 擷取自中時電子報: http://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20160923003424-260410
