  • 期刊


Fluorescent Color Measurement and Color Observation Test Analysis of Printing and Textile


目前臺灣印刷廠約8000家,印花及染整業約200家,由於螢光色之墨料具顯著辨識特色,近年來扮演產品加值之重要關鍵因素。然螢光觀色需使用標準觀色燈箱,大多以歐、美為主要廠牌,而國內大多使用非歐美的『非規格品之多光源觀色燈箱』比例高達90%,其光源色溫、頻譜、強度及光源可混合比例皆不穩定也沒有統一,導致無法提供客戶與製造商統一的標準觀色環境,進而造成退件及良率等問題。而螢光色彩噴印後的色彩量測或觀測尚無任何標準規範,而國內已建立螢光色量測系統雛型,初步奠定基礎量測技術,本實驗設計兩種方法來標準化解決螢光量測,分別為利用硬體的光輻射照度法,以及利用人眼視覺評價的螢光觀測分析法,來將螢光量測標準化,以解決產業在螢光產品所需之快速化、國際化的驗證需求。光輻射照度法,利用光輻射計取光譜範圍330~850nm,並量測光源混合固定比例3:1(D65光照度26500 ±10% lux與UVA光輻射度38 ±10% W/m2)的方式,來了解螢光反應特性,而人眼視覺評價設計了標準觀測螢光的環境,包含觀色距離、照射距離、觀色角度等,並制定觀測螢光樣本的標準流程。


At present, there are about 8,000 digital printing factories in Taiwan and about 200 digital printing, dyeing and finishing factories of textile industries. Due to the distinctive identification characteristics of fluorescent inks, it has played an important key role in product value-added in recent years. However, fluorescent color viewing requires the standard light boxes, most of which use Europe and the United States as the main brands. Most of the multi light boxes used in Taiwan aren't from Europe and the United States, which proportion of up to 90%, and are non-standard product. The color temperature, spectrum, intensity and the mixable ratio of the light source are unstable and not unified, resulting in the inability to provide a unified standard color viewing environment for customers and manufacturers, also resulting in problems such as return and defect-free rate. However, there is no standard specification for color measurement for fluorescent color printing. The prototype of fluorescent color measurement system has been established in Taiwan, and the basic measurement technology has been established. This experiment designed two methods to standardize the fluorescence measurement, respectively, the optical radiation illuminance method with hardware, and the fluorescence observation analysis method using the human eye visual evaluation. Those methods were used to standardize the fluorescence measurement to solve the rapid and international verification required by the industry for fluorescent products. Optical radiation illuminance method, which uses the optical radiometer to obtain a spectral range of 330 to 850nm, measures the response characteristics of fluorescent light with the fixed mixed light source ratio of 3: 1 (D65 illumination 26500 ± 10% lux, and UVA light irradiance 38 ± 10% W/m2). A standard environment for observing fluorescent light, including color viewing distance, irradiation distance, color viewing angle, etc., was designed with the human eye visual evaluation. A standard process for observing fluorescent samples was also developed in this study.


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