  • 期刊


A Case Study of Traditional Chinese Medical Care in Post-operation Patients with Ovarian Cancer


卵巢癌的手術需特別徹底,因為看似早期的患者若能在分期手術中排除他處之轉移,則患者將可接受較保守之治療。 在手術後,大部份患者都需要接受化學治療,主要目的是希望把殘存在體內的癌細胞減到最低。一般化學治療,大約三至四周實行一次,早期癌症建議施行三至六次,晚期則為六次,目前以Paclitaxel+Carboplatin為標準之化療處方。至於病患是否接受術前輔助性化學治療或維持性化學治療則賴婦癌專科醫師之評估。卵巢癌的預後照護:卵巢癌的預後,與卵巢癌的種類及多項臨床變數有關,包括年齡、分期、等級、殘留大小…等。一般說來,第一期存活率可達93%、第二期存活率可達70%第Ⅲ期降至37%,第四期則只有25%。


卵巢癌 中醫藥治療


The ovarian cancer patients should be treated with complete surgery. If the staging surgery can prevent cancer cell spreading, the women with early ovarian cancer will be able to take conservative treatment. Addition of chemotherapy may be required for most patients who have received operation in order to minimize cancer cells residue. Traditional chemotherapy should be repeated every 3-4 weeks. The chemotherapy for early staged cancer usually is administered in 3-6 cycles. For advanced cancer, 6 cycles is the best. The combination of paclitaxel and carboplatin is the present standard chemotherapy drugs. Taking neoadjuvant chemotherapy or maintainance chemotherapy is depending on the evaluation of gynecologic oncologists. Medical care in post-operation patients with ovarian cancer: The prognosis of ovarian cancer is related with the type of cancer and various clinical variables (age, staged, level and residue). As a general rule, the survival rates are 93% for patients of stage Ⅰ, 70% for patients of stage Ⅱ, 37% for patients of stage Ⅱ, and 25% for patients of stage Ⅳ.
