  • 期刊


Evaluation of the efficacy by traditional Chinese medicine of a case of benign ovarian tumors


這是一個案例報告(case report)。本案例的實驗設計,針對西醫診斷卵巢良性腫瘤(benign ovarian tumor),以為期兩個月的中藥調理、輔助針灸、針藥併用,對照四次的婦科陰部超音波報告數據,做研究分析。個案患者於今年2月15日,在婦科診所做陰超檢查時,第一次發現左卵巢水瘤至少有兩顆,直徑:4.7公分、4.6 公分。2月16日開始接受中醫診療。患者同意接受為期兩個月的傳統中醫水藥、配合針灸治療,同時配合西醫陰超檢查追蹤變化,以利臨床療效評估。


This was a case report. The experimental design of this case was aimed at the diagnosis of benign ovarian tumor by western medicine, with two months of traditional Chinese medicine conditioning, auxiliary acupuncture, acupuncture and medicine combined. Comparing the four gynecological vaginal ultrasonography reports, do research and analysis. On February 15 this year, the first major discovery of this patient was during an ultrasound examination of the genitals in the gynecology clinic. There were two left ovarian tumors, with diameters: 4.7cm、4.6cm at least. On February 16, she began to receive Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment. The patient agreed to receive water medicine of traditional Chinese medicine for two months, combined with acupuncture treatment. At the same time, it cooperated with western medicine to track changes of vaginal ultrasound to facilitate the evaluation of clinical efficacy of.


張煒:王三虎妙用當歸芍藥散治療卵巢囊腫。中國中醫藥報,2010 年 10 月 27 日。
李賽美、黃仰模、蔡文就主編:當歸芍藥散臨床應用體會(伍炳彩)。經方臨床應用:第 2 輯,中國中醫藥出版社,2011 年1 月 1 日。
陳俊宏:卵巢瘤的症狀與分類。長庚婦產通訊,第 43 期。2007 年。
