  • 期刊


Risk Management on Physical Education-A Study of Higher Education Institutions in Taiwan


本研究以台灣地區大專院校為例探討學校體育風險管理,為校園運動安全建構學校體育風險的理論架構,綜合管理科學、體育教育、運動活動和運動場地設施等多種學科的方法,特別是以風險管理基本理論運用,探討各種學校體育教育活動可能造成傷害的因素,藉著綜合、分析、歸納與整理,找出傷害發生機率高與損失幅度大的各種因素,擬定預防傷害發生、降低損失幅度的策略與處理流程。 台灣地區一般學校大都沒有建立詳細的運動傷害與意外的統計資料,所以本研究的風險衡量,必須參考跨出校園的運動傷害事件的結果,雖然事件本身的對象不同,但是運動傷害與意外的結果仍有其共通之處,足以做為學校體育運動風險策略擬定之參考。 研究問卷以郵寄方式對台灣大專院校體育課學生進行問卷發放,總共發放800份問卷,總共回收問卷592份,問卷回收率74%,透過敘述性統計、重要性分析以及因素分析篩選題目並修改成正式問卷,根據正式問卷來探討與分析大學生對於體育課風險認知之看法,得到以下成果: (一)初步建立了台灣地區大專院校學校體育風險的理論框架。 (二)論證台灣地區學校體育風險管理學生認知程度。 (三)論證台灣地區學校體育風險管理問題所在。 1.學校體育風險管理在行政政策方面,學校學生、體育教師、體育主管與學校當局的認知上,確實存在著認知上缺失。 2.台灣地區學校體育風險,在設施、設備管理等方面,確實存在著認知不同的缺失。 3.台灣地區大專院校體育風險,在舉辦各種體育運動競賽時,在風險防範上確實存在著缺失。


學校 體育 運動 風險 場地 賽會


The purpose of this study is to investigate risk management on physical education at colleges and universities in Taiwan, and then present a theoretical framework of risk management. The study involves management science, physical education, sports activity, sports facilities. Besides, the researcher of this study applied the theory of risk management to the discussion of factors that may cause sport injury. The researcher also analyzes the most probable factor of sport injury and the factor that may cause great damage. Finally, a plan for preventing sport injury and damage reduction is proposed in the study. Because of lack of data for sport injury at colleges and universities in Taiwan, some cases used in this study are from outside the campus. The objects may be different; however, the results of sport injury have a lot in common. The result would be valuable for making risk management policies. The total of 800 questionnaires was mailed to the college students, and 592 questionnaires were returned. The response rate was 74%. Descriptive statistics and factor analysis were used to increase the reliability and validity of the questionnaire. According to the results, college students' perceptions of risk of physical education are as following: 1. Preliminary construction the theoretical frame of risk of physical education in Taiwan. 2. Exposition of the students' perceptions of risk management at colleges and universities in Taiwan. 3.1 According to the perceptions of the students, PE teachers, directors at education institutions, there are drawbacks of the policy for risk management on physical education. 3.2 The risk on physical education at educational institutions in Taiwan, in terms of facility, equipment, and management, the cognitive deficiencies do exist. 3.3 There are deficiencies in risk control when holding sports games at colleges and universities in Taiwan.


