  • 期刊


Treatment of Intrabony Defect on the Distal Surface of the Mandibular Second Molar-A 10-year Observation Case Report




Impacted lower third molar surgery may cause periodontal complications on the distal surface of the adjacent second molar, such as formation of deep probing pocket depth and intrabony defects, more often to the patients group age over 25. Guided tissue regeneration (GTR) technique combined with DFDBA implantation has been applied in the field of restoring lost periodontal tissues for more than two decades with satisfactory results. The objective of this case report is to observe the long-term clinical results of combining GTR technique with DFDBA to treat the intrabony defect on the distal surface of the mandibular second molar. A 36 years old female patient who claimed her bilateral upper third molars and lower impacted third molars were extracted in age 31, was referred to our hospital to treat localized gingival inflammation. After routine periodontal phase 1 therapy, deep probing pocket depth (7mm) on distal surface of the bilateral mandibular second molar was treated by GTR procedures using bioresorbable membrane combined with DFDBA. At the 12 months postoperatively, clinical observations showed satisfactory results in reduction of probing pocket depth and radiographic bone fill. Moreover, stable clinical periodontal status had been observed during the 10 years follow-up period.
