  • 期刊


Endoscopically Assisted Surgery of Mandibular Cyst - A Case Report


本次報告提出一例利用內視鏡輔助手術,以剜除術(enucleation)治療下顎骨齒源性角化囊性瘤(keratocystic odontogenic tumor)的病例報告,術後追蹤半年復原狀況良好,放射線影像顯示沒有腫瘤復發。齒源性角化囊性瘤為一好發於下顎骨後牙區以及下顎骨角(mandibular angle)的良性腫瘤,由於腫瘤在初期常常沒有症狀,發現時腫瘤已經深入下顎骨支(mandibular ramus),造成手術視野不佳以及腫瘤的內襯上皮(lining epithelium)不易移除,導致病灶的復發。以內視鏡輔助手術可以讓手術者在縮小手術範圍的狀況下,獲得更清楚的手術視野,以利完整的移除腫瘤的內襯上皮,另外在腫瘤貼近下齒槽神經的狀況下,透過內視鏡的輔助,可以幫助分離腫瘤的內襯上皮和神經,降低對下齒槽神經的傷害。


This article reports a case of a mandibular multilocular keratocystic odontogenic tumor (KOT) treated with endoscopically assisted enucleation and curettage. At 7-month follow-up no evidence of recurrence was evidenced by radiological and clinical controls. Keratocystic odontogenic tumors (KOTs) usually occur over posterior mandibular body and angle, which often presented no symptom at the beginning. When the lesions are noted, they usually grow deeply into mandibular ramus which makes them difficult to be removed. The endoscopic assistance allowed us to explore accurately the operative field and the areas of difficult access, improving the complete removal of the cystic lesion. Moreover, it allowed us to monitor closely the separation of the cyst lining from the inferior alveolar nerve and limit the extension of the surgical approach.
