  • 期刊


Non-surgical Retreatment of a Cracked Mandibular Second Molar with Separated Instruments - A Cases Report




C型根管 裂齒症 斷離器械


Successful root canal treatment depends on the accuracy of the diagnosis and treatment plan, complete disinfection, ideal filling quality and the fitting coronal restoration. This report describes the non-surgical root canal retreatment of a complicated case of a mandibular second molar. A 40-year-old patient presented with chewing pain on the lower left second molar. Previously root canal treated and symptomatic apical periodontitis were impressed. After old filling material removed, a crack line in the crown portion, C- shaped canal system and separated instruments were noted under microscopic observation. Root canal retreatment was performed by using the ultrasonic tip vibration and under dental microscope magnification to remove of the post and fractured instruments, then totally debride the root canals. Finally, the tooth had full coverage crown restored. Accurate diagnosis, good experience and appropriate armamentariums enable successful management of the complicated cases.
