  • 期刊


The Qualitative Research: Application of Art Therapy for the Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse


本文提出當進行藝術治療研究時該考量的因素並詳加說明。以筆者進行的性侵害倖存者之藝術治療研究(博士論文)為例,首先必須考慮受助對象之問題特質、情緒之強烈、語言表達之困難、對人的不信任,以及混亂的內在世界等等,以及圖畫意象之運用如何而能產生功效。其次考慮中國獨特之文化面向對性侵之處遇工作可能產生之影響,例如家族主義、貞操觀念、看問題多採取外在歸因,及中國文化藝術特質所可能攜帶的療癒種子,這些都是進行這類研究時必須考慮的相關因素。文中採借Andrea Gilroy一篇分析英美兩國藝術治療研究之發展的文章,說明藝術治療研究在不同國家不同理念不同的傳承之下,其研究之不同風貌特色及優缺點。我們台灣的藝術治療工作尚在起步當中,量化與質性的研究都是值得發揮的方式。本文將詳述藝術治療之質性研究方法,主要包括:1.方法論,進行研究時不應忽略藝術治療並不是純科學的領域,它更是偏向人際的、心理的、美學的、人文的領域,其特質有「客觀性的主觀」、重視直覺、啟發性、現象、參與觀察、隱喻及潛意識等;而且藝術治療中所進行的圖畫,不可忽略其所賦予之多重心理意涵。2.方法,包括個案研究、圖畫意象之閱讀,及「原型」之探究方式。3.操作過程,包括精神分析的過程、藝術治療的資料收集程序,及資料分析等。


This article raises some issues of qualitative research based on the application of art therapy for the survivors of childhood sexual abuse. The first issue is how art can work for the survivors of child sexual abuse. Second, the Chinese cultural dimensions which need to be taken into consideration when working for the survivors. The next issue discussed is how Taiwan professionals could initiate from the different features of art therapy research in America and Britain. Finally, which methods would be suitable for the survivors of child sexual abuse when doing art therapy research? Briefly, the art therapy research is suitable for the qualitative study which includes the use of art materials, the exploratory nature of making things, and the fullness of subjective experience between the therapist and the clients. The main purpose of this paper is rather to offer a wider and deeper view of research than a diminishing or reducing way of study.
