  • 期刊


A Geographical Study on the Types of Business and Location of Hawkers in Hsin-Tien Region


雲遊四方的攤販,曾在古時扮演了極其重要的貿易角色。到了近代,都市文明快速發展之際,他們的數量不減反增,仍然活躍在許多開發中國家的都市和鄉村地區中。對中、低收入的民眾而言,地攤貨已是生活中不可或缺的消費品,故此攤販於今日仍站在經濟基層尖兵的地位上。 本文針對新店地區之攤販群作地理學觀點之研究,首先探討該地區攤販群的形成過程和地理背景,大致可分爲三個時期,如(1)民國40年以前的農村中心期;(2)民國40~60年之工業發展期;(3)民國60年以後之都市擴張期。 其次,依實察所得探討攤販群之空間分布,並比較在都市核心區、都市邊緣區及郊區各攤販群之地理特性。此外也分析各攤販群之規模與業種,將其規模分成四級,如(1)小型攤(50攤以下)、(2)中型攤(100攤以下)、(3)大型攤(200攤以下)、(4)超大型攤(200攤以上將其業種分爲五類,如(1)生鮮食品、(2)餐飲小吃,(3)服飾百貨、(4)休閒文化、(5)家用服務等。再用modified Weaver's method作組合分析而判定各攤販群之優占類型,計有六大類型,如(1)生鮮、(2)生鮮服飾、(3)生鮮服飾小吃、(4)生鮮小吃、(5)小吃、(6)休閒小吃等。 最後,根據各攤販群之侵占業種與規模大小作分類指標,將其分爲十種類型,再據此探討各類型和區位之關係。


攤販 優占類型 業種 區位 形成過程 地理特性


In Spite of roving hawkers are the lower ”ragtags” in the eyes of most people, they actuarially played an extrmely important role on trading in the old time. Nowadays, hawkers are still increasing in number and playing an activ role in many cities and rural areas. The Cheap hawker's goods become the necessary dai1y consumer goods to the people of low or middle income. The refore hawkers are stil1 the ”pickets” and stand on the place at the base of economy. This geographical research is to focus on the hawking group in Hsin-Tien region. Here we can define the hawkers in this area into three periods to rea1ize the forming process and the geographic background. (l) before 1951 BC (the farm center period) (2) between 195171 BC (the industry developing period) (3) after 1971 (the Urban expansion period). The above wil1 be researched separately Following next is to find out hawking groups' spatial distribution through actual surveys, and compare their different geographic features scattered in the city center, city margin and suburban areas. We also c1assified their types according to their scales and categories. According to the scales, there are four types: (1) small type (below 50 units) (2) medium type (blow 100 Units) (3) large type (below 20 units) (4) super large type (above 200 units). Then, we use the modified Weaver's method to constitute, analyze and judge the dominance patterns of every hawker's group. There are six types c1assified: (l) live and fresh food (2) live and fresh food and fashion (3) live and fresh food/fashion/snacks and drinks (4) live and fresh food/snacks and drinks (5) snacks and thinks (6) leisure/snacks and drinks. We will discuss the relationship among these types according to their locations. Finally, we c1assify the hawking groups in view of their dominance patterns and their scales. According to these we study the connection between each type and its location.


吳淑淨(2010)。台灣西部傳統零售市場選址之研究 —以童裝成衣業為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2010.02183
