  • 學位論文


Exploring Street Vendor Activities And Effective Policing Strategy:A Case Study Of Ta-An District In Taipei City

指導教授 : 黃蘭媖


攤販的存在既是一個亟待被理解的現象,也是一個偉大城市應解決的問題,本研究目的如下: 一、回顧我國攤販問題及其管理策略的演變。 二、探討攤販與我國特殊的政治、經濟、社會、文化結構的關係。 三、邀集警察人員、攤販等各利害關係人參與焦點團體座談,以討 論及對話的方式,了解當前攤販處境、警察的勤務現況、執行成效、雙方遭遇的困難及建議。 四、參酌國內外經驗與實證資料的發現,對大安區的攤販管理策略提出具體建議。 本研究主要係以警察之角度及思維來探討攤販問題,先搜集臺北市政府警察局90至96年取締攤販的件數,以每年的件數多寡來做比較,另再針對94年至96年的攤販到罰率來分析,真實呈現攤販繳納罰鍰的情形,以了解開出來的罰單是否有遏止的成效;然後舉行二場焦點團體的座談,參與者為攤販及警察人員,以取得一般問卷不易得知且較直接及詳盡之資料。引用的相關理論包括:環境犯罪學與新機會理論,無被害者犯罪學,破窗理論,問題導向警政及社區參與理論等。 本研究發現如下:首先,在大安區攤販設攤生態方面,員警與攤販對於大安區的攤販數量究竟是增多或減少看法迥異。惟兩者均認為影響攤販數量最大的因素是經濟,但警察執法的強度、寒暑假短期打工也是大安區攤販增加的因素之一。大安區違規攤販設攤地點集中地的共同生態為廣大的人潮,而攤販集中區最大的治安威脅是扒竊,惟也伴隨著機車竊盜、盜版等問題。目前大安區取締攤販的策略均針對熱時、熱點編排勤務,惟其需要相當警力以及仍可能有犯罪轉移的現象。警察人員在執行取締勤務時較困擾的是攤販爲拉攏警察加入地方的民力參與協勤,形成執法的包袱;其次,關說及勤務督導亦形成員警的壓力源。 根據上述發現提出針對大安區違規攤販執法策略的具體建議: 一、固定崗結合扣攤的勤務模式落實執行。 二、賡續推動跨部門合作機制。 三、大安分局應優先針對違規攤販大戶做處理。 四、比照建國假日花、玉市之模式。 五、積極處理市場週邊的攤販問題。 六、大安分局應建立完整的違規攤販清冊。 七、逐步淘汰具有攤販身分的地方民力。 八、結合民意代表,編列經費,針對各區域商業特性規劃不同主題市集。


違規攤販 警察 大安區 執法策略


The existence of the street peddler is a phenomenon urgently to be understood. It is also a problem every great city such as Taipei faces today. Therefore, my research aims are as follows: First, I review the problem of street peddler and its tackling techniques in our country. Second, I discuss the relation between street peddlers and the politics, economy, society, and culture structure in Taiwan. Third, in order to gather opinions of both the police and the street peddler, two focus group discussions were held. These meetings allowed the stakeholders to express the current peddler activities, police responses, and the effectiveness and hindrance of policing strategy. Fourth, after reviewing the domestic and international experience, I propose some concrete suggestions for tackling the street peddler in Ta-An area. This research is mainly to probe into street peddlers and related problems with the police's point of view. I collect statistics of the fining and the payment rate of street peddlers by Taipei city police department during 2001 to 2007. I present the change of payment rate following the change of law in order to discuss the deterrence effect. It follows with two focus group discussions with selected participants of four street peddlers and six police personnel in order to obtain direct and details materials for analysis. The concepts used for analyzing the data are: environmental criminology and new opportunity theory, victimless crime, broken window, problem oriented policing, community involvement and so on. The findings are as follows: First of all, I found diverse opinions on the number of peddlers in recent years between the police and the peddlers themselves. However, they both agree that prosperity is the main influence factor along with other factors such as police enforcement of the law and student peddlers during vacation. The peddler assembling location is characterized as constant stream of people. The most serious concern for the community safety is pick-pocket. However, the problems of pirate products and motorcycle theft are also mentioned. The Ta-An police current allocate their forces at the hot spots during the hot hours to combat peddler problems. However, it is very labor consuming and might have crime displacement effect. In addition, street peddlers sometimes also act as the civilian forces in the police and cause some problems in enforcing law. Both lobby from local elected representatives and force supervisors are the main source of pressure for front line police officers. Based on above findings, some suggestions are proposed: First, the regular sentry duty combined with deduct stall are recommended as a useful technique. Second, a trans-departmental cooperative mechanism is necessary for tackling the problem. Third, the Ta-An police district should prioritize dealing with largest street peddler in violation of rules and regulations. Fourth, if circumstance permits, it is also suggested that the government relocate the peddlers following the successful example of flower and jade holiday market. After relocating the volunteering peddlers into the market, the police should take a strong position on cracking the peripheral street peddlers. Sixth, the Ta-An police district should establish a complete street peddler's list to enhance the law enforcement. Seventh, the civilian force should eliminate the street peddlers. Finally, the city government should consider working with the communities and establish some commercial theme markets.


李本誠,2001,《臺灣中型都市攤販管理之研究》,元智大學管理研究所碩 士論文。
卓立寰,2004,《攤販與街道:非正式經濟的空間與日常生活關係--以台北 市為例》,國立臺灣大學社會學研究所碩士論文。


