  • 學位論文


Night Market Pickpocket and It's Situational Crime Prevention

指導教授 : 周愫嫻


本研究採用情境犯罪預防理論探討夜市扒竊被害之情境因素,選取臺北市的師大夜市及士林夜市為對象,經由文獻蒐集整理,確立研究架構及方法,以研究者自行設計之觀察表及訪談大綱,透過實地觀察及訪談法,整合兩夜市扒竊被害人、營業攤商和警察人員之看法以及實地觀察結果進行分析,並提出其預防對策。 根據分析結果與理論驗證,本研究發現影響夜市扒竊犯罪最鉅者為情境犯罪預防理論五大方向中的「犯罪阻力」及「犯罪風險」兩項。在犯罪阻力方面,夜市的市街空間狹窄、行人動線不佳、人潮密集度高、民眾背包習慣不佳、民眾對週遭環境注意程度低,以及民眾對隨身財物注意程度低,皆減少夜市扒竊的犯罪阻力。而犯罪風險方面,夜市普遍缺乏或監視器不足、見警率低、員警防扒專業訓練不足、民眾防扒認知不夠,以及缺乏管理委員會,皆降低了扒竊加害人的犯罪風險。而其中影響夜市扒竊發生的最重要因素為「人潮密集度高」,其次才為「缺乏監控」,尤其監視器對夜市扒竊的預防成效不如其它財產犯罪來得佳,民眾見警率亦不高。故本研究認為夜市扒竊之預防對策除了加強民眾防扒觀念外,加強夜市地區的警力以及專業防扒訓練乃為重要方向。


This study adopts the situational crime prevention to probe into situational factors of the pickpocket in the night market, investigating Taipei Sheda Night Market and Shilin Night Market. By collecting and organizing the literature, frames and methods of the study are established. Via exploratory participate observations and semi-structure interviews, the researcher integrates the viewpoints of victims in two night markets, stall vendors, police officers as well as committee members of the night market, analyzes results of observations, and suggests prevention strategies. According to results of the analysis and proofs of the theory, this study discovers that crime effort and crime risks are the most serious factors influencing the pickpocket in the night market. These two serious factors belong to two of the five dimensions of situational crime prevention. As for crime effort, six conclusions are mentioned as follows. A) Streets of the night market are too narrow. B) Routes of the pedestrians are bad. C) The density of people is very high. D) People don’t have a good habit of carrying bags. E) People don’t pay attention to the surrounding. F) People don’t keep an eye on their personal belongings. As for crime risks, five conclusions are described as follows. A) The night market doesn’t have enough or lacks closed-circuit televisions (CCTVS). B) The patrol visibility is low. C) The professional trainings regarding the pickpocket of police officers are insufficient. D) People are lack of knowledge about the pickpocket. E) The night market doesn’t have enough committees. Above all, the most important two factors influencing the pickpocket in the night market are the high density of the people and followed by the lacking of formal surveillance. In terms of the lacking of formal surveillance, the effect of CCTVS used to prevent the pickpocket in the night market is low. The patrol visibility is low, too. Therefore, this study concludes that prevention strategies are to build up people’s concepts of the pickpocket, strengthen the formal surveillance, and reinforce police officers’ professional trainings regarding the pickpocket in the night market.


Bureau of Justice Statistics. 2002. Criminal victimization 2001: changes 2000-2001 with trends 1993-2001. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice.
Cohen, L. & Felson, M. 1979. Social change and crime rate trends: A routine activity approach. American Sociological Review 44: 588-608.


