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The Analysis of Students Health Physical Fitness in National Chung-Hsing University


目的:本研究是以國立中興大學104~106學年度之學生進行全面性的健康體適能檢測,希望藉由統計結果來評估不同學年學生健康體適能現況,進而作為體育課程編排的參考。方法:以10,409位學生(男:5,959, 女:4,447)為研究對象,檢測內容包括身體組成、瞬發力、柔軟度、肌肉適能及心肺適能,所有資料皆以描述性統計進行分析討論。結果:身體質量指數(BMI)是屬於教育部所公佈之常模在正常範圍內;在坐姿體前彎和立定跳遠的表現,男學生落在常模25%等級,女學生則落在45%~50%等級之間;一分鐘仰臥起坐的表現,男、女學生兩者皆是在常模75%等級;800m與1600m跑走的表現,男生是在常模介於40-50%之間等級,女生是在常模介於55-60%之間等級。結論:由研究顯示,男、女學生都是屬於中等身材,男學生在柔軟度和瞬發力是體育課程需要加強的體能指標,肌力與肌耐力則是表現最佳的體能指標。


中興大學 學生 健康體適能


Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate health fitness status of students for National Chung-Hsing University in 2015 to 2017, hoping to the statistical results can be used to evaluate the students' physical fitness status and serve as a reference for the arrangement of physical education curriculum. Methods: Subjects was a test to for 10,409 students (males: 5,959, females: 4,447) and were test items includes body mass index (BMI) , standing long jump, sit and reach flexibility test, one -minute sit-up, 800m running for female and 1600m running for the male. All the data has been analyzing by descriptive statistics. All the data has been analyzing by descriptive statistics. Results: In the BMI performance was be a normal range. The sit and reach flexibility test and standing long jump performance was males 25% grade and females between the 45%~50% grade by norms. The performance of one-minute sit-up was been male and female students both to 75% grade by norms. The performance of 800m and 1600m has been males between the 40~50% grade and females between the 55%~60% grade. Conclusion: Therefore, male and female students are of medium body composition, male students in flexibility and explosion strength needed to strengthen the physical pointer in PE course, and muscle strength and muscle endurance is the best performance of the physical pointer.


NCHU students health fitness


許家得、李書維、郭世傑(2014)。黎明技術學院 101 和 102 學年新生健康體適能差異研究。黎明學報,25(2),15-23。
教育部(2018)。教育部體適能網站。取自 2018 年 12 月 01 日,http://www.fitness.org.tw/。
潘義祥、陳清祥(2016)。Power of Pedometer: 以計步器發展學生動態生活型態之析論。體育學報,49(4),377-390。
