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The Implementation of Volleyball Challenge System




The purpose of this study is to investigate the volleyball challenge system. Owning to the development of volleyball techniques, the demands on athletes' technics such as fast attack, delayed attack and back-row attack are critical, no matter speed or accuracy. Therefore, volleyball games are increasingly intensive and competitive. Due to the intrinsic fast speed and block touch, may mislead referee to have judgement error which would cause issues between referees and athletes, and teams. These issues directly or indirectly correlate to the special techniques of this sport and the decision of judges. Thus, the challenge system is essential while combining technology and sports. Setting the high-tech camera to capture the competition as the basis for introduction of competition skills and analysis. Since 2013, International Volleyball Federation (FIVB) applied the volleyball challenge system and corresponded regulation to help judges to make fair and equitable decisions. This challenge system includes five special techniques: antenna touch, net fault, block touch, ball in/ out and foot fault.


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