  • 期刊


Study on Teaching for Creative Thinking in Music with Children-Theory and Practice


本文旨在探討兒童音樂創作思考之教與學,包括理論與教學實務。 音樂製作是每個人天然的本能,是人性的表徵。音樂創作不僅可促發自我表達、產生較高之自我價值感,且發展敏銳的聽的能力與社會互動,激發聲音想像與建構能力,和欣賞傾聽、唱奏演出同屬必不可少之兒童音樂教育內容。二十世紀下半期以來,隨著創造力教育之推行,創造性音樂思考的教與學更受重視,大量的學術和實務研究一再的強調創造性的音樂思考與操作的重要與必要性。台灣在大力推動創造力教育之時,音樂創造思考教學之研究與課堂上之實施仍少。因此本文首先以文獻分析法探討兒童音樂創造思考之理論與教育內涵,及其教學實踐策略與評量等實務層面,並以質性研究記錄兒童音樂創思活動之過程與成品,據以評析兒童音樂創作行爲。本研究成果不僅可作爲兒童音樂創思教學之學理依據,並可提供教師在音樂課堂上創造性之教與學之參考。


The article aims at teaching creative thinking in music with children. Improvisational music making is an essential part of human experience. Learning to improvise can allow children to be musically creative and expressive. It improves not only children's aural and technical skills, provides also opportunity for musical social interaction. An attempt to examine the nature of creative thinking in music leads to an discussion about the rationale for including improvisation in music teaching and learning process. Practical strategies for music curriculum planning and evaluating are suggested. This leads to a quality research program with 12-year-old children, in order to verify the usefulness of these teaching strategies. The results: teachers should create encouraging environment, to motivate and empower valuable and imaginative innate capacity of creativeness of children.


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