  • 期刊


The Orientation of Language of Civil War and Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka


語言是人與人之間的溝通工具,也用以理解外在世界的認知與象徵系統,語言所承載的豐富文化意義經常成為族群識別的對象,並與族群意識緊密結合,使得語言使用的意涵越加難以定位。在多元語言使用環境中,語言政策的擬定與執行,更容易反映出政治與權力的運作歷程。因此,語言的不平等除了呈現政治資源的不平等之外,也容易引發族群不平等的爭議。 斯里蘭卡自從獨立之後,國內的族群衝突不斷,甚至提升到內戰的規模,造成龐大的經濟損失與人民傷亡。儘管在2009年宣布內戰結束,但是,族群衝突並未隨著內戰結束而終結。相對的,在國家進行重建的過程中,族群議題不斷浮現,成為斯里蘭卡最棘手的問題。 本文從語言社會學的角度,研究語言議題與族群衝突的關係,並以斯里蘭卡的語言議題與語言政策為分析實例,討論辛哈拉人與泰米爾人之間持續多年的內戰族群衝突中,族群如何透過語言政策來達成特定的目的,以及語言政策背後所蘊含的政治與階級因素。


斯里蘭卡 語言 族群衝突 內戰


Language is a communication tool between people, also is a cognitive and the symbolic system, used to understand the external world. Language carried within it's abundant cultural meanings, which often become the object of ethnic identification. The close combination of ethnic consciousness and language makes it too difficult to orientate it. In the environment of multi-language, language policy formulation and implementation is easier to reflect the process of the political operation and power exertion. Therefore, the language of inequality in addition to the inequality the distribution of political resources, easily leads to ethnic inequalities in multilingual and multiethnic society. From the point of view of Sociology of Language, this article studies the relationship between ethnic conflict and language issues while analyzing language policy and language issues of Sri Lanka, in particular the ethnic conflict between Sinhalese and Tamils. This article is also to analysis how to achieve a specific political purpose in terms of language policy, and exposing political and class factors underlying it.


Sri Lanka Language Ethnic Conflict Civil War


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