  • 期刊


Beauty philosophy- From "Chuang Tzu‧Dechong Fu" About




Chuang Tzu's philosophy is abstruse and exquisite. Aspects it includes are comprehensive. If we can grasp and capture its wisdom precisely and efficiently then it will be a great help to the life of the modern. Nowadays, cosmetology become one of the necessary activities in our lives. Although the modern scientific method can rebuild our external marvelously every beautiful woman and handsome man will fade away. If they still can be enraptured and fascinated then they can not rely upon their external but upon their inner virtue such as kindness, consideration, humor, tenderness, generosity and loving the whole world. Those are the best recipe to attract the others deeply and constantly. Chuang Tzu proposed "intrinsic virtue was full but has not shown to the outside world" to cultivate this recipe. It helps us to realize the inner self as well as understand the Tao gives us to appearance and heauen gives us body in order to eliminate the concept of external beauty, ugliness and disablement. According to the above facts, Chuang Tzu emphasized upon that the true cosmetology is the transcendence of our mind. It not only makes us understand of cosmetology deeper theoretically but also provides us some kind guidance practically so that we shall become a beautiful and healthful person. Unfortunately, there are too many scholars to study his philosophy but study his thought of cosmetology is very rare. This paper just aims at throwing a minnow to catch a whale in order to open a brand new way for Chuang Tzu's philosophy and set up a sound and accurate art modern cosmetology. We can reveal some great attraction naturally through this kind of mental cosmetology. And so we can become a "beautiful" and "healthful" person accordingly.


王鍾陵,〈《莊子‧德充符》講疏(上)〉,《鎮江師專學報》,1997 年,3 期,頁 14。
吳怡,《新譯莊子內篇解義》,臺北市:三民書局,2001 年。
胡楚生,《老莊研究》,台北:學生書局,1992 月 10 月。
唐君毅,《中國哲學原論‧先秦篇》,臺北市:臺灣學生書局,1986 年。
唐君毅,《中國哲學原論‧導論篇》,臺北市:臺灣學生書局,1986 年。
