  • 期刊


The Essential Qualities of Life: A Study of the Philosophy of 《Jhwang Zih》 in <Yang Sheng Jhwu>、<Ren Jiyan Shih>




生命本質 衝突 真君 真宰


This article is intended to look to the subtle relationship between the individuals and the group that's made in ”Yangshengzhu” (The Way of Life) and ”Renjian Shi” (The Human Society) in order to reveal the social philosophy contained within and to manifest the nature of men's life in the philosophy of Zhuang Zi. And this nature of men's life consists of two major aspects (three principal elements). One of them is the nature of the existence of ”sadness” in an individual's life. Seeing the existence of this ”sadness,” we try figure out a way to relieve such ”sadness,” and this solution is the so-called ”social philosophy,” as manifested in ”forgetting,” ”acquiescence,” and ”easiness.” The other aspect is the conflicting social nature of the relationship within the group, that is, the ultimate cause of nervousness, anxiety and commotion that the group encounters. In this paper, we will explain this cause in terms of fame and wealth, language, relationships and communication. The combination of these two aspects throws life into a plight. But with jen-jun and jen-zai (the nature of life that's displayed with Dao embodied in the lives of individuals), it's possible to raise life to a higher order. These antithetic aspects of the nature of life together generate a mysterious life and a complicated society whereby the positive meaning of the philosophy of Zhuang Zi is disclosed.


Nature of Life Sadness Conflict Forgetting Easiness Acquiescence Jen-jun Jen-zai


