  • 期刊


A Critical Analysis of Education Policy: The Case of Comparing Ranking While over Quotas in 12-year Compulsory Education


本文從政策社會學的觀點出發,運用影響脈絡(context of influence)、政策文本之所從生的脈絡(context of policy text production)以及實踐脈絡(context of practice)檢視「十二年國民基本教育」政策脈絡,並以Foucault的權力觀點探討十二年國教之超額比序政策。研究結果發現:一、志願序積分比序,級距設計缺乏學理根據,高級中等學校入學推動工作小組握有過多權力。二、擁有經濟資本、社會資本或文化資本者是比序項目隱藏的權力者。本文對十二年國教政策提供下列建議:一、重新檢討與修正超額比序之項目,避免與政策目標衝突。二、加速推動高中優質化與均質化,以落實就近入學之政策目標。三、政策決定落實家長參與,避免政策決定淪為權力之操縱。


This paper discusses the context of 12-year Compulsory Education policy from the view of policy sociology, and uses context of influence, context of policy text production, and context of practice to examine the policy. This paper also aims to probe the comparing ranking of 12-year Compulsory Education with Foucault' power perspective. The results of the study indicate that: (1) "course priority" is the first item of comparing ranking, but there are no academic evidences between grades and it's level. Entrance Committee of the senior high school has excessive power. (2) those who owe economic capital, social capital or culture capital have the power of comparing ranking. Finally, the paper's suggests for the 12-year Compulsory Education policy are: (1) To avoid conflicts with the goals of policy, it's essential to examine and correct the items of comparing ranking again. (2)To promote the high-quality project and the homogenization project, so that it can implement the "nearby schooling" policy; (3) To avoid the manipulation of power, parental involvement in the policy making should be enhanced.


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