  • 期刊


The Enlightenment of Bernstein's Code Theory in Educational Knowledge to the Classical Chinese Course of Senior High Schools and Higher vocational Schools




The Examination Yuan announced that the junior examination and senior examination will no longer test official documents from 2023, which led legislators to call for abolishing the examination of Chinese in the national examination, emphasizing that "young people should not waste their youth on classical Chinese". Since 2017, when it was discussed to reduce the proportion of classical Chinese courses in senior high schools and higher vocational schools, this wave of comments on the futility of abolishing the examination of Chinese or classical Chinese has been debated. Based on Bernstein's language code theory, this paper discusses the tendency of classical Chinese of language refinement, and analyzing the influence of class system on children's socialization in the family through different types of languages by using the concepts of restrictive code and exquisite code; Secondly, from Bernstein's code theory in educational knowledge, this paper discusses the code change of classical Chinese course in senior high schools and higher vocational schools; Finally, through this theory, we hope to bring enlightenment to on-site teachers and educational authorities as follows: first, according to students' background, teachers adopt appropriate speech codes; second, moving towards integrated curriculum can change the authoritative relationship between teachers and students; promoting students' autonomous learning; third, diversified text selection and interdisciplinary cooperation, competency oriented teaching towards situational context.


Bernstein B.(2005)。教育、象徵控制與認同:理論、研究與批判(王瑞賢譯)。臺北:聯經。(原著出版年:1971 年)。
Bernstein B.(2007)。階級、符碼與控制,第三卷:教育傳遞理論之建構(王瑞賢譯)。臺北:聯經。(原著出版年:1975 年)。
ETtoday 新聞雲(2018)。陸高中「背誦」72 篇文言文,臺灣讀不到 20 篇,取自 https://www.ettoday.net/news/20180116/1093779.htm。
中央社(2017)。課審大會今確認,普通高中文白比例定案,取自 https://money.udn.com/money/story/5641/2758311。
文教中心(2017)。高中 15 篇文言選文,連橫〈臺灣通史序〉被刪除,取自 https://tw.news.yahoo.com/15-085910365.html。
