  • 期刊

Fundamental Properties and Applications of Surface Plasmon Couplingwith a Dipole in a Metal Surface Nano-Grating Structure



本論文中,我們利用邊界積分方程法區分在金屬表面奈米光柵結構上的侷域表面電漿子和表面電漿極化子。因為侷域表面電漿子對於幾何形狀相當敏感,而表面電漿極化子可由週期所支配多因此在製程上激發表面電漿極化子比激發侷域表面電漿子容易控制。 最後,我們以數值方法探討輻射電偶極與表面電漿子耦合時,其內部量子效率以及準外部量子效率之增益。表面電漿子耦合效應可用來改善氮化銦鎵/氮化鎵量子井發光二極體綠光與紅光波段初始內部量子效率較低的情況。。


In this study, we demonstrate the differentiation between the contributions of localized surface plasmon (LSP) and surface plasmon polariton (SPP) couplings with an emitting dipole to emission enhancement in a metallic grating structure using the boundary integral-equation method (BIEM). Because the LSP resonance energy is sensitive to the metal/dielectric interface geometry, it may be difficult to control the enhancement for a desired emission wavelength based on the LSP coupling. On the other hand, because the SPP feature can be controlled by the period of a grating structure, the implementation of the SPP coupling for emission enhancement in a practical device can be more feasible. We also numerically study the enhancements of internal quantum efficiency (IQE) and quasi-external quantum efficiency (QEQE) of a radiation dipole coupled with surface plasmons. In applying the SP coupling phenomenon to an InGaN/GaN quantum-well light-emitting diode, the efficiency enhancement is more significant in the green-red range, in which the intrinsic IQE is normally quite low.


Fang, C. P. (2009). 具金屬奈米結構的太陽電池的模擬研究 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2009.02895
