  • 期刊


A Discussion on the Limitations and Potentials of Bioethics Commissions - Using the Process of Establishing the Policy Position Allowing Research into Producing Germ Cells from Stem Cells in Japan as an Example




Along with the 'ethicization' of scientific controversies and the development of bioethics, bioethics commissions or so-called 'public bioethics bodies' have been established in a growing number of national contexts to address the ethical issues of bitechnology. Based on the literature review, this article aims to demonstrate that bioethics commissions do not always carry out their expected functions as facilitators of public dialogue and social commucations about bioethics. By reflecting on the issues concering representiveness of commission membership, consensus-building and the conflict between different expected functions of bioethics commissions, this article explores the limitations and potentials of bioethics commissions. Furthermore, by examining the process of establishing the policy position allowing research into producing germ cells from human embryonic stem cells, human induced pluripotent stem cells or human tissue stem cells in Japan, this article illustrates the gap between the ideal and reality of public ethics.


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