  • 期刊


Analysis of Issues Derived from the Actual Implementation of "Regulations Governing the Application or Use of Specific Medical Techniques or Examinations, or Medical Devices"




On September 2018, Taiwan passed the amended "Regulations Governing the Application or Use of Specific Medical Techniques or Examinations, or Medical Devices" (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations of Special Medical Techniques"), and officially allowed the cell therapy programs for clinical treatment. However, after the allowance of the Regulations of Special Medical Techniques, in practice there are also a number of corresponding problems. After interviewing with scholars and industrial practitioners, three main issues were concluded: the allowance scope of cell therapy programs, the cost of cell therapy, and the use of sensitive personal information of patients to establish database. For the allowance scope of cell therapy programs, Taiwan Regulations of Special Medical Techniques mainly allow autologous cell therapy program while adopt strict review of allogeneic cells, and does not allow genetically modified cells and cell-free derivatives, which is much conservative than other countries. As for the pricing for cell therapy programs, there is currently a problem of high prices, and the willingness of patients to receive cell therapy would be therefore affected. The main reasons may include the results of too strict cell inspection standards and milestone outcome based payment. Furthermore, the establishment of the cell therapy database is functionally necessary. However, the patient information is sensitive personal information, and thus how to effectively collect, process, and use the information would be a problem. This article intends to make suggestions for Regulations of Special Medical Techniques through the exploration of these issues.


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