  • 學位論文


A Research on the Legislation of Dispatched Employment and its Disputes of Regulations in R.O.C.

指導教授 : 林誠二


隨著社會經濟之發展,勞動市場結構逐漸改變,在有限的資金分配下,企業用人趨向彈性化,因而衍生此種非典型勞動型態—「勞動派遣」制度。而國內在1980年代亦開始出現企業採取勞動派遣使用勞力,除前述之就業環境變更之因素外,國內在勞資雙方間之權利義務訂有各種法規以保障勞工權益,令企業主多一誘因利用勞動派遣制度,規避雇主責任以節省其人事成本。相對地,即同時壓縮勞工之權益。而勞動派遣制度在國內一直處於缺乏專法規範之狀態,主要原因為勞動團體極力反對,認為勞動派遣蘊含許多爭議,其中包括雇主責任不明、派遣勞工地位不平等、不當中間剝削、雇用不安定等疑慮。然而此等問題皆歸因於「當事人之法律關係不明確」,是以在立法尚未完備之前,勞動派遣之當事人間之法律關係即為一重要之課題。參酌國外之立法發展,亦可發現其皆在處理個別當事人間之權利義務關係,以確定派遣事業單位以及要派單位之責任分配,避免勞動派遣制度之濫用而侵害派遣勞工之權益。 而在國內尚未立法之際,有關勞動派遣當事人間之權利義務關係應如何適用現行勞資權益相關之法規,即屬於目前國內面臨之問題。此等法規訂定之際,係以傳統之勞動關係予以設置,並未考量勞動派遣此種非典型之勞動關係,以致於目前利用勞動派遣之企業主與派遣事業單位難以適切地被規範在此等法規之中,終至派遣勞工之權益遭受影響。而司法審判實務對於勞動派遣所滋生之爭議問題亦僅能保守採用現行法規,難以實際保障派遣勞工之權益。 行政院勞工委員會於2013年9月再度草擬「派遣勞工保護法」草案,以清楚規範勞動派遣當事人之權利義務關係,並確保派遣勞工之權益。而本研究即針對此次「派遣勞工保護法」草案加以評析與建議,期以對國內有關派遣勞動之爭議有所助益。




The labor market is changing gradually through the social and economic development. Human resource of the enterprise is tending to be more flexible under the limited capital distribution and thus, the atypical labor type, dispatched employment system, is derivative. Besides, under local practice, the enterprises have begun to use labors through dispatched employment since 1980. In addition to the factor regarding the change of employment environment, several laws and regulations has been provided for the legal relationship between the labor and capital to protect labors’ rights and interests in Taiwan, which is the incentive to have the enterprises use the dispatched employment system and to avoid the employers’ responsibilities to save the cost of personnel matters. Oppositely, labors’ rights and interests are damaged. In addition, the reason why the dispatched employment system is not regulated under the special regulation in Taiwan is the huge objection from the labor group. The labor group believes that there are many controversies in the dispatch employments, such as unclear employers’ responsibilities, unequal position of dispatched labors, inappropriate intermediate exploits, and unstable employments. However, such issues are attributed to “unclear legal relationship between the parties”. As such, before the legislation of the dispatched employment, the legal relationship between the parties regarding the dispatched employment is the important issue. Also, while referring to the development of the foreign legislation, it can be discovered that foreign legislations all handle the legal relationship between the respective parties to confirm the responsibilities between dispatch unit and enterprises to avoid the abuse of dispatched employment system and the infringement of the rights and interests of the dispatched labors. Prior to the legislation regarding the dispatched employment, it is controversial that how to apply the legal relationship between the parties regarding the dispatched employment to the current relevant laws and regulations governing relationship between the labor and capital. The aforementioned laws and regulations were promulgated based upon the traditional labor relationship and did not put dispatched employment, the atypical labor relationship, into consideration. Therefore, it is difficult for the current enterprises using dispatched employment and dispatch unit to be provided under the above laws and regulations and the rights and interests of the dispatched labors are influenced eventually. Furthermore, with respect to the issues derived from the dispatched employment, the current laws and regulations are adopted conservatively by the local courts. As such, it is difficult to protect the rights and interests of the dispatched labors practically. In September 2013, the Council of Labor Affairs re-provided the draft of the Dispatched Labor Protection Act to clearly regulate the legal relationship between the parties regarding the dispatched employment and ensure the rights and interests of the dispatched labors. The Research is to comment on and to provide suggestion to the draft of the Dispatched Labor Protection Act and looks forward to being helpful to the controversies with respect to the local dispatched employment in Taiwan.




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Lin, Y. S. (2015). 派遣勞工工作不安全感、分配公平感與工作滿意度之分析及派遣勞工保護法草案實施後對其之影響 -以某二中央機關為例 [master's thesis, National Chiao Tung University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6842/NCTU.2015.00235
