  • 期刊


An Analysis of Protecting and Using the Right of Research Data




Research data, especially those produced by government-funded, have been regarded as targets that should be committed to opening and sharing in recent years. Therefore, in terms of rights related to the use of data, countries have successively proposed directions for amending various regulations or mechanisms to strike a balance between the promotion of research data flo and the protection of existing rights. Basically, research data can be divided into two types: those with copyright and those without copyright. For research data with copyright, in response to the needs of data mining, it is necessary to consider the escape clause for data mining in the Copyright Act, so that data users do not need to obtain the license from the copyright owner. For non-copyrighted research data, the government can adopt standard licenses. On the one hand, it reduces the cost of individual contract negotiation and enhances the incentives for sharing research data; on the other hand, it establishes the consistency of the framework of research data licenses through standard licenses, and avoids the problem of conflicting licenses between different parties.


OECD, OECD Principles and Guidelines for Access to Research Data from Public Funding (2007), http://www.oecd.org/sti/inno/38500813.pdf(last visited Mar 5, 2021).
〈電子郵件980427a號函釋〉,經濟部智慧財產局著作權主題網,https://topic.tipo.gov.tw/copyright-tw/cp-407-852609-6cc46-301.html (最後瀏覽日:2021/03/10)
蔡明誠,〈論著作之原創性與創作性要件〉,《臺大法學論叢》,第26卷第1期,頁190-192 (1996)。
李治安,〈論著作權法中編輯著作對資料庫之保護範圍〉,《月旦法學雜誌》,第188期,頁39-40、41-42 (2011)。
