  • 期刊


A Construction of Forehand Counter Loop Testing for First Level Athletes in Table Tennis




AbstractThe purpose of the study was to construct the forehand counter loop testing for first level athletes in table tennis. The subjects were 106 players the first level of table tennis. The first step of this study were seven subjects that used forehand counter loop, each subject stroke ten balls into one half of right area on table. Second, it used chalk to draw where ten balls were located for each subject. Then, the study used tape measure to calculate how many centimeters for each ball from baseline corner. Base on Rasch pattern rational category proportion measure category distance. It completed to divide a table-tennis table into three areas. The testing method was Multi-ball training. The tester service a drop to the subject side's backhand area, and the subject hit the ball back to forehand area of the tester. Again, the tester sent ball before pulling flushes the loop to the subject area counter loop. The destination put at one half of right area, counter loop twenty balls. The data were analyzed by Winsteps software. The results were: (1) the standard error of the mean of the trial and subject measures for this sample were 0.03, that showed estimation was very accurate. (2) The subject's data calibration was fitted for Rasch measurement pattern. (3) Trial measures were forehand counter loop skill testing was more validity. (4) Category adjusting was validation, and proved testing validity. (5) Norm was established in forehand counter loop skill testing. A conclusion was that fitting the Rasch measurement model might construct the forehand counter loop of skill testing of the first level athletes in table tennis.


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