  • 期刊


Developing a Career Commitment Scale for First Division Players of College Baseball


本研究目的在建立一棒球運動員職涯承諾量表,經參考Blau(1985)、Karavardar(2014)、Arogundade, Arogundade, and Oladipo(2014)以及陳麗貞、林尚平、郭春敏(2011)等的量表,建構出單因素與六個題項的模式,以台灣大專院校棒球公開一級之選手為研究對象,經驗證性因素分析,整體模式適配指標的結果顯示:χ^2_(9)=19.82(p<.05),RMSEA為.10,SRMR為.05,GFI為.95,CFI為.97,NNFI為.95,PNFI為.57,CN值為139.73,χ2/df為2.20,顯示本單因素與六個題項的模式是可以接受。聚合效度分析,職涯承諾量表六個觀察變項的標準化因素負荷量係數符合建議值.50以上和達到統計檢定的顯著性,潛在變項的平均變異數抽取量為.51,高於建議.50以上。職涯承諾量表組合信度為.86,達到.60以上的要求,顯示職涯承諾量表具有組合信度。效標關聯效度分析,結果職涯承諾量表與運動員滿意度為正相關r =.62達統計顯著水準。


The purpose of this study is to develop a career commitment scale for baseball players. The scale was constructed with reference to Blau (1985), Karavardar (2014), Arogundade, Arogundade, and Oladipo (2014), and Chen, Li-Ching, Lin, Shang-Ping, and Guo, Chun-Min (2011). One factor and six-item model for the empirical factor analysis of the overall model adaptation index with baseball First Division players in Taiwanese colleges and universities. The result showed that:χ^2(9) =19.82 (p<.05), RMSEA of .10, SRMR of .05, GFI of .95, CFI of .97, NNFI of .95, and PNFI was .57, CN value was 139.73, and χ^2/df was 2.20, indicating that the present one-factor and six-item model was acceptable. In the pooled validity analysis, the standardized factor loading coefficients of the six observed variables of the Career Commitment Inventory met the recommended value of .50 or higher and achieved statistical significance. The composite reliability of the Career Commitment Scale was .86, which met the requirement of .60 or higher, indicating that the Career Commitment Scale has composite reliability. The results of the validity analysis of the correlation between the Career Commitment Scale and the athletes' satisfaction were positive r = .62, which was statistically significant.


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台灣棒球維基館 (2019b) 。大專棒球 。 2020 年 1 月 7 日,取自 :https://twbsball.dils.tku.edu.tw/wiki/index.php/%E5%85%A8%E5%9C%8B%E5%A4%A7%E5%B0%88%E9%99%A2%E6%A0%A1%E6%A3%92%E7%90%83%E9%81%8B%E5%8B%95%E8%81%AF%E8%B3%BD#.E8.B3.BD.E4.BA.8B.E7.B0.A1.E4.BB.8B 台灣棒球維基館 (2019a) 。
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