  • 期刊

Island Toenail Flap Transfer for Correction of Macrodactyly-A Case Report



背景: 巨足趾症爲罕見的先天畸形,其特點爲單一或多趾的形體變大。 目的及目標: 手術的目的主要是縮小病灶處體積,使其形體和正常足相近並可正常穿鞋,但是治療常常無法兼顧功能及外觀上的考量,島狀趾甲皮瓣手術可解決在不失去趾甲的狀態下縮短指甲長度。 材料與方法: 我們報告一位14歲男孩罹患可力普-崔羅雷-韋伯症候群合併巨足趾症,運用的手術方法爲截短趾骨至合適的長度合併縮小軟組織的體積,再將島狀趾甲皮瓣放置合適的位置。 結果: 術後一年後追蹤病患對於外觀表示滿意且不再有穿鞋不適和需穿不同尺寸的鞋子。 結論: 島狀趾甲皮瓣手術爲一個簡單和安全的方法 可兼顧功能上和外觀上的改善。




Background: Macrodactyly of the foot is an uncommon congenital malformation characterized by enlargement of all elements or structures of a digit or digits. Aim and objectives: To develop a surgical procedure for decreasing the size of the affected foot to a size and shape compatible with normal shoes by reducing the length of toes while retaining the toenails. Materials and methods: A 14-year-old adolescent presented with Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome combined macrodactyly of both feet. He complained that it was difficult to wear shoes, that walking was painful and that his condition gave him an ugly appearance. We reduced the length and breadth of the toes by phalanx resection and debulking of soft tissue while preserving a suitable portion of the pedicle toenail complex, which was transferred via an island flap to the dorsal aspect of the proximal phalanx. Results: After surgery, the patient expressed satisfaction with the cosmetic appearance of his feet and felt comfortable wearing shoes. Conclusion: The vascularized pedicled toenail flap procedure is a simple and safe method for functional and aesthetic improvement of macrodactyly.


macrodactyly island toenail flap
