

Mazu Daoyi (709-88) 馬祖道一, the founder of the Hongzhou 洪州 school of Chan Buddhism in Tang China (618-907), is generally regarded as a key figure in the development of Chinese Chan thought. However, though modern scholars have made useful efforts toward reconstructing Daoyi's biography, it remains incomplete. Many important events in his life have not been clearly or accurately described. In this article, based on other scholars' studies and drawing upon available sources of all kinds, I supply a new, complete biography of Daoyi. It is divided into four periods: 1. the first period of learning (709-29): Daoyi's youth in Sichuan; 2. the second period of learning (730-41): wandering in Hubei and Hunan; 3. the first period of teaching (742-71): at the mountains of Fujian and Jiangxi; 4. the second period of teaching (772-88): establishing the Hongzhou School. These four sections not only clearly describe the various stages of learning and teaching in his life and fix the years during which he put forward new teaching and teaching method to establish the school, but also correct many errors and mistakes seen in sources and previous research works.




馬祖道一 傳記 洪州宗 禪宗
